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Posts posted by BornOrange

  1. 15 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    So you think we will win the big 12 and compete for NY6 bowl?


    He will be 4 years in without a big 12 title if he doesn’t win it this year going on 5. So in your opinion is a head coach going into his 5th season without a conference title good enough at our school? Also in this age of salary and etc is that acceptable results?

    No, that would not be good enough for me.

    However, at our school Mack Brown won his first conference title 8 years into his tenure. He did win the division in years 2 and 4, so he had that going for him.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:


    I don’t get why all the 9.95ers keep talking about Rakestraw’s long-standing relationship with Mizzou. They fired Odom and basically their entire staff with him at the end of the year. Is there any coach at Mizzou who could’ve even offered Rakestraw last spring and still be at Mizzou? I don’t see how Mizzou has any better relationship with Rakestraw than Texas coaches, especially Ash, who was unofficially our DC before Drinkwitz even got hired. 

    Good point, I had completely forgotten about Missouri's staff getting the axe.

  3. 25 minutes ago, NoName said:

    the relationships angle is weird considering that if he DID have close relationships with Orlando (lol) or Washington then they would be gone and he wouldn't have any here now. 


    He's saying that he didn't have much of a relationship with Texas coaches because they didn't start recruiting him until late in the process, while Missouri has been recruiting him all along.

    However, since his official visit, he feels that he now has a relationship with the Texas coaches and Missouri's advantage in that respect has vanished.

  4. 6 minutes ago, tokamak said:

    When was the last time we got meaningful contributions from a PWO guy? We get excited for a couple every year around this time but it seems like they top out at "emergency depth that you wouldn't feel awful having to play".

    Also, we were all kinda WTF on the Valai hire when it happened, but the recruiting seems as advertised. He appears to have built a good relationship with Rakestraw in a hurry. I hope the dude can coach.

    Isn't this just the second or third recruiting class where Herman has emphasized PWO's?

    I would expect them to start having an impact their third or fourth year on campus at the earliest.

    • Like 1
  5. So Nahlin said:


    It'll be interesting to see if Saturday signaled a change in offer strategy for the program or if Tom Herman and Bryan Chang simply thought, with the looming dead period it would be good to extend offers that would normally occur in February.

    Wasn't Saturday the first day of February?

  6. 2 minutes ago, mininghorn88 said:

    So, when did the Pro Bowl become a glorified touch football game?  This is the first year in a while that actually watched some of it.  I certainly would not pay to watch it live.

    It's always been that way. At least since the late 70's / early 80's when I started watching the NFL.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Bevo14 said:

    Didnt Briles try to do this with Donovan Duvernay? 

    No, Briles did that with Devin.

    They had committed some type of violation in Devin's recruitment so they couldn't sign him to a LOI. So they didn't tell anybody and CYA'd by not turning in the LOI. When he decided he wanted to transfer, it turned out he was automatically free to go because they had not turned in the paperwork. The other guys who transferred had to wait to hear from the NCAA.


    • Like 2
  8. So if it hasn't been announced, maybe Alabama didn't turn in the signed LOI.

    Is that a way to trap door someone?

    "Ooops. There was a snafu and somehow your LOI didn't get turned in to the NCAA. We also lost track of the total numbers, so there is no room for you here at Alabama. Have a nice life!"

  9. 2 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    The real winner in this is Harvdog's kid, who will no longer have to endure being stuffed headfirst into a trashcan by Tunmise every day at school.  


    19 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    My experience is that someone will step in and fill that void. Nature abhors a vacuum. 

    Tunmise knew he would need a little extra pocket money, so he auctioned off the rights to Harvdog's kid right before moving to Florida.

    • Like 2
    • Fuck You 1
  10. We also don't know if the positives of being in Houston would have outweighed the negatives.

    He would've had a better support system in Houston, but the parasites and leeches would have multiplied.

    I still wonder what could have been with Vince in Kubiak's offense. All those naked bootlegs were tailor made for Vince. He fakes a handoff to Arian Foster, the entire offense goes left while Young goes right, he could take the easy yardage with the wide open field, go deep to Andre Johnson, or hit his safety valve Owen Daniels.



    But again, maybe Houston wouldn't have been good for him.

    • Like 2
  11. 8 hours ago, Lobo said:

    This is weird because Liv Tyler spent a lot of time in Austin filming that season of the Leftovers.  And Rob Lowe and his wife used to come here to hang out with Maria Shriver and her then boyfriend who is an Austin minor celebrity.  You'd think at some point during pre-production, one of them might have said something to the effect of, "Da fuh?"  

    Or maybe the show is how Liv Tyler, Rob Lowe, Maria Shiver, and all their friends perceive Austin.

    What's really scary is how they perceive the rest of Texas.

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