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Everything posted by RayDog

  1. If Moscow Mitch thinks his only chance of keeping a Senate majority is to get rid of Trump, he will get rid of Trump.
  2. But relieving small amounts of pressure through injection wells and fracking might prevent a bigger earthquake in the future.
  3. Who knew that Weekend at Bernie's might end up being a true story?
  4. If he made it to the general all we would hear is he is too sick to be president. He could lose.
  5. A heart attack is disqualifying.
  6. I don't understand the argument that Biden wins due to Black support in Southern states. Southern states that are 20 percent or more Black are: Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, and North Carolina. If those are the only states he wins, where does that get him? And, I am not sure he can win North Carolina.
  7. Try a "lock him up" shirt with Biden's picture.
  8. That, and his boss Putin does not want him to.
  9. Yes I am not an expert but after reading a Dailykos story I verified it at several sources.
  10. He can be disqualified from office with a simple majority. So If Cruz, Rubio and a couple others vote to disqualify they can run. But I can't imagine what Trump might do as a lame duck for a year.
  11. I was trying to figure out what sort of alliance Moscow Mitch would put together in such a scenario. He will need his leadership team. Retirees with nothing to lose might be willing to "save the Republic." (ha) He has a list of foes on the record and likely others off the record. Some of those foes and others are in tough reelections where they might role the dice and vote for removal. Leadership: Moscow Mitch, Thune, Cornyn Retirees: Roberts, Isakson, Enzi, Alexander, Burr, Johnson, Inhofe, Grassley, Shelby Trump's Foes: Romney, Rubio, Cruz, Sasse, Sullivan, Portman, Collins, Gardner, Lee, Murkowski Reelection Hail Mary: McSally, Toomey It looks to me like Moscow Mitch could come up with 20 votes if he made the decision to do it.
  12. The Washington Post reported that nearly 40% of the 241 Republican House members who served in the 115th Congress which started in January 2017 are no longer in Congress. With more retirements coming and some lost elections in 2020, that number will be over 50% by the time the 117th Congress starts in 2021. In the four years that follow that percentage could hit 70-80% (just a rough estimate). The Senate is more stable due to the longer terms but even they will likely see close to a 50% loss of Republican Senators who served in the 115th Congress by January 2023. 2018-2019: McCain, Flake, Corker, Kyle, Hatch, Heller; Announced retirements for end of term : Roberts, Enzi, Alexander, Isakson, Burr, Johnson, Expected Retirements: Inhofe, Grassley, Shelby 2020: Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Ernst, McSally (who was not in the 115), and others to be named later, hopefully
  13. I have been saying it all along. But now that Moscow Mitch only has a 1 point lead in the latest polling in his senate race, I think he could allow the trial if it is the only way he might save his reelection, But if he does, he will already have the votes for removal by equally scared or non-Trump Republicans. Republican Mike Murphy said that one Senator told him there are 30 Republican Senators who would vote to remove on a secret ballot. Moscow Mitch can get the votes if things look bad enough for him. But if he does, it blows up the party. The party gets blown up anyway, but that would be faster.
  14. Where are the Saudis on the green new deal?
  15. So much for the thing being classified. He probably still has some sort of clearance but this tells us people without clearance are likely already seeing it.
  16. That is the best case scenario. The best way to GOTV is to have Trump on the ballot. Impeaching Trump will increase Republican voter enthusiasm, equalizing the vote making it more likely that he wins and Republicans retain control of the senate. The worst case for Democrats is if Trump is removed from office or resigns, as that will suppress Democratic turnout while Republican turnout will be high, especially if he is removed from office. The best thing to do is keep exposing his wrongdoing, but don't impeach him, don't impeach Kavanaugh or anyone else in the administration, don' talk about packing the court, or do other things that will obviously cause Republican turnout to spike.
  17. China leads the world in installing wind and solar and building electric cars. They are not in a great spot right now but they are doing more than most countries. With their employment base past peak the new infrastructure will lead to phasing out the old infrastructure.
  18. One good thing about China is that they have already passed peak employment and will pass peak population in 5 years or so. Then they will see their population cut in half by 2100. All the while they will lose manufacturing jobs to cheaper countries. That will allow them to take coal power and other sources of polution offline. India is a different story.
  19. The AMA estimated medical costs were $3.5 trillion in 2017 and $3.2 trillion is another commonly cited figure. I decided to use those as starting points including an overly optimistic $3.2 in 2020 and consider what the costs will be in 2020 assuming annual cost increases of 8%, 5%, and 3% and got the following table. Annual % 2017 ($trillion) 2020 ($trillion) 2023 ($trillion) 2026 ($trillion) 2030 ($trillion) 8% 3.5 4.4 5.5 7.0 9.5 8% 3.2 4.0 5.1 6.4 8.7 8% NA 3.2 4.0 5.1 7.0 5% 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.6 5% 3.2 3.7 4.3 5.0 6.0 5% NA 3.2 3.7 4.3 5.8 3% 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.6 5.1 3% 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.2 4.7 3% NA 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.3 We are rapidly reaching a breaking point with corporate profit taking going up against the public's need for healthcare at a reasonable cost. The US will soon be spending more on healthcare than the rest of the world combined, and then double that in the next decade.
  20. Science requires that there is a healthy amount a skepticism about every theory.
  21. Gravity doesn't exist. It is electromagnetism.
  22. Yesterday's Dailykos strawpoll Warren 43%, Bernie 15% , Yang 11%, Biden 9%, Pete 7% , Harris 5% , and no one else above 2% . It won't be long before Warren tops 50% in this poll. The Yang Gang has been working online polls like they were Aggies.
  23. I gave been told birthing centers in the Philippines charge $50 to locals and $80 or $90 if they find out the dad is a foreigner. Hospital births can be 5 to 10 times that.
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