I have not updated you in a while on my research. I am an invited speaker at a physics conference in October in Prague on relativity so I decided to do a paper on general relativity theory as a quantum field effect. I figured out that I can physically explain it on the basis of quantum van der Waals forces. Basically, stable matter increases quantum van der Waals torque that changes the local permittivity and permeability, which causes the speed of light to vary near matter. The increased torque also slows clock rates. That is also how clocks slow due to regular relativity, too.
General Relativity as a quantum van der Waals Torque effect
The quantum field also requires that space is flat. Space is non-physical and can't have dimensions by itself anyway. Space only has dimensions because the matter it contains has dimensions and that matter is the quantum field, which has wavelengths and frequencies. General relativity must be calculated as a flat space, variable clock rate, variable speed of light phenomenon. (This is not to be confused with VSL cosmology where the speed of light is thought to vary during the age of the universe)
There have been a number of people working on this idea starting with Einstein in 1911, and including Dicke and Puthoff, so there is already a lot of technical research done. What was missing from those theories was the underlying quantum van der Waals torque mechanism. They usually guessed incorrectly that it was something to do with Mach's principle. There is also need to include the physical cause of acceleration due to gravity and also inertia which leads to a non-electric Maxwell force in any complete gravitational theory.
Coming up with the complete gravitational field equations will be a bit tedious, but I will work on that after I finish the book I am writing. I hope to find someone to collaborate with at the conference.
I worked on explaining all the physical constants as quantum van der Waals torque effect. As part of that I realized that electric charge magnitude is a property of the quantum field rather than particles. Particles should be thought of as simple polarizers with no charge magnitude.
Physical Constants as Properties of the van der Waals Torque of the Quantum Field
I also figured out that the fine structure constant is the total volumetric field polarization due to a single polarizer (particle). Come to think of it I may have posted about that on the old site.
Fine Structure Constant as the Polarization of the Quantum Field by a Unit Charge
As part of that I also determined that the quantum field cannot be polarized without inducing net rotating in the quantum field. This quantum field rotation is where particle spin, angular momentum and magnetic moment come form.
Particle Spin and Magnetic Moment as Quantum Field Effects
This also made me realize that electron and proton charge, spin, angular momentum, magnetic moment, and mass are all quantum field effects. An electron or proton is simply nothing more than an electrical polarizer that is either matter or antimatter surrounded by a polarized quantum field. The polarized quantum field is the physical structure of the electron and proton (and neutron). The unstable resonances (particles) have a different structure and I am writing a book on particle theory that describes that. It is a total replacement for the quark model since my charge and proton theories already invalidate it.
Electron Properties Explained as Quantum Field Effects
Matter-antimatter is known to be the same thing as a particle's time arrow, so I wrote about that, although this paper is a more speculative interpretation of the Dirac equation about how that occurs.
The Origin and Arrow of Time, Dirac’s Negative Energy, and Matter
I also wrote about proton and electron production. Either they can be produced or they have existed for infinity. I think they can be produced and I don't understand why nobody is working on it. I hope to set up my lab once I find a place I want to live for more than a year or two.
Electrons and Protons Are Produced Together
If GR and Newtonian gravity were correct we would be in a black hole. The mass of the visible universe is at least 10^56 grams which would form a black hole with a 15.7 billion light-year radius.
The Universe’s Large Black Hole Problem
Anyway, I was really excited to figure out the physical cause of general relativity and thought I would share.