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Everything posted by RayDog

  1. This sounds nothing like the Australians I encounter on a daily basis in the Philippines.
  2. My vote is to build a Roman style public shitter over his grave, with modern plumbing of course. Might as well plan ahead.
  3. I'm 57 and I laughed out loud at it. It's allsome.
  4. If you count Americans individually the 200 million number is low. Out of 325 million Americans a little over 125 million have full-time jobs. I have no idea if that is what she meant.
  5. Boomers control Congress. If millenials want more influence there they need to primary more old Democrats like AOC did.
  6. Beto already campaigned on this basic idea in Texas making a rural internet project equivalent to rural electrification. Of course, while public funding was assumed as part of the effort, the public vs. Private management and control is to be determined, possibly at the state and local level. Sounds like a great idea. Two of the best countries for Internet for everyone in Europe are Romania and Bulgaria because they put everyone on fiber before other countries.
  7. It would upset his base if Trump said we landed on the moon.
  8. Running openly on that would do more to boost Republican enthusiasm than Democratic enthusiasm. There was an 18% or so enthusiasm gap in 2018 before the Kavanaugh hearings. During the hearings it closed to 5 points or so. In 2020 Democrats should avoid saying anything about the supreme court, or saying anything else known to drive Republicans to vote.
  9. The key for the left is to get delegates. It does not matter who for initially. It will come down to the top 2 at the convention.
  10. I agree. I am 1/8th an ethnic minority and would never think to list it on a form. There is even an unconfirmed family rumor that a 4th great grand parent of mine was native American, and I would certainly never list that. Nonetheless I will still vote for her if she wins the nomination.
  11. FL is full of Puerrrrto Ricans that can vote now. There are nearly 1.5 million former felons who can now vote in Florida.
  12. Pre Kavanaugh hearings his rural bump would have been larger particularly since Republican enthusiasm went from 47% pre hearings to 60%+ afterwards. I think he wins if Kennedy doesn't resign.
  13. The surname Trump will be vilified throughout history. Perhaps not as bad as Hitler but the same effect. People will change their names.
  14. I hope the house puts Justice Kennedy's son on the stand.
  15. Do i have to threaten to sue you for slander to get you to stop making these false allegations?
  16. While there are some underage ones my guesstimate is 2 to 4%. I always get id to make sure they are legal age and usually stick with 18 to 24 year olds, but sometimes an older waitress who I enjoy talking to. Bar girls need to have id to work in a bar, so the underage ones are usually local girls on the street. I know some local girls and helpful guys that let me know who is legal. I have no problem entering the US as i have not broken any age law. Its mostly the Koreans and Indians that go for the underage girls.
  17. Sometimes. The great thing about 18 year olds is the older i get they stay the same age.
  18. I did go expat but I planned it before Trump was elected. Most expats, especially Aussies are pro Trump and fox news is on in a lot of bars, restaurants, and lobbies. So, I didn't escape anything. Austin would be better in many respects. An amazing percentage of Aussies are flat earthers and lunar landing deniers too. Typical expats are not the cream of society, so it is hard to find and make good friends. Now i do get to do my writing and physics research without needing to have a real job. I can live very well here on $1500 to $2000 a month. I am about to get an apartment for $190 a month and $300 after all bills are paid. I can have sex 20 times a month with 10 or more different women within my budget. For $60 I can fly to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. There is decent western food if i want it. I highly recommend the expat lifestyle if you are adventurous and can do it financially, but don't do it because of Trump.
  19. What was so disappointing after Watergate was Carter. The Democrats squandered an opportunity. This time a Democrat will be elected in 2020 and again in 2024. AOC is eligible in 2028. If she keeps going the way she is nothing with prevent her from having two terms. In four terms of Democrats we will have a other new deal, and hopefully a couple more decades of prosperity to follow.
  20. There are no far left candidates. M4A, tuition free public college, $15 minimum wage, green new deal, etc. Are all mainstream now. By doing nothing Biden has moved far right of center and further right from the Democratic center. Kamala and Beto are in the new center.
  21. The was a 10 swing in house races from 2016 to 2018. There are 74 Republican congressmen in R+10 or closer districts.
  22. I think the house should have investigations continuously but not under the impeachment umbrella. In particular they need to broaden the inquires to other wrongdoers in politics in an effort to expose as many dirty politicians as possible. They can do one or so a week to keep the pressure on. I would not start impeachment hearings until Senate Republicans say they give up and are ready to remove Trump. If Republicans don't turn on Trump, impeach him the day after he wins the party nomination.
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