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Everything posted by RayDog

  1. Yes, "female dog" and I can't argue with that particular point.
  2. I agree. He handed the presidency to the Democrats for at least the next 20 years, and give them the opportunity to fix everything Russublicans broke.
  3. I just got an email that Beto made a 1.27 million TV ad buy spread across the state. Ads will start showing up this week.
  4. Too bad Joe McCarthy is dead.
  5. If you look at the 13 progressive Democrats on ballots last Tuesday 7 won and 6 lost, which is not bad overall. The KS3 race was the biggest surprise, but the race was swung by $600,000 in Emily's list money. The MI governor candidate was never close in polling so it was not a surprise.
  6. Two guys have already announced to join the race. I assume they will be write-in. It would be awesome if the Republican vote gets split 3 ways.
  7. To show the absurdity of Shapiro offering AOC $10,000 to debate him, Cenk at TYT has offered Ted Cruz $10,000 to debate him. It would be fun if it happened, but I do not expect Cruz will bite.
  8. There must be thousands of people watching the trial who are thinking to themselves that they do exactly the same types of money laundering and bank fraud, except they gave better taste in clothes.
  9. The healthcare cost now is 3.3 trillion a year or 33 trillion over 10 years with no increases. Realistic projections put the 10 year cost under the current system at close to 50 trillion factoring annual cost increases. And yes that means we could be paying close to 6 trillion a year for healthcare in 10 years from now under the current system. We must do something.
  10. Bernie's college proposal costs 75 billion, or about the last two years worth of defense budget increases.
  11. Cruz can't handle the triple meat Whataburger.
  12. Sounds like Cruz is anti-Whataburger.
  13. No, and I was not aware of a connection.
  14. Seagal used to travel with two teenage Ukrainian slave girls that he used as sex slaves so he is uniquely qualified to be Putin's envoy.
  15. Green parties are useful idiots for Russian meddling too, but I doubt they were in on OH12 greens.
  16. I don't get why Cruz and Trump are getting a pass on CA, when it is conspiring with foreigners using stolen facebook data to defraud an election.
  17. Maddow had on a writer with the Buffalo paper who was on this story for over a year and he said that the company put out a positive press release on the US drug trials a couple days earlier in order to boost the stock price before the insiders unloaded the stock. He characterized it as a "pump and dump" scheme.
  18. Cruz's tweet is stupid since Beto will be in the Senate not the House and is already on record saying he would not vote for Pelosi.
  19. The district is Wilco and Bell counties with Wilco making up 2/3rds of the vote. Trump won 51.3% in Wilco and 54.7% in Bell. Romney won 59.5% in Wilco and 57.5% in Bell so both are trending away from the Republicans, and based on demographic trends Wilco is going to flip to Democratic in the lead race in this election prior to considering a high Democratic turnout. To be fair about 2% of those lost Republican votes in 2016 went to Johnson, but I think MJ could pick up those independently minded voters. MJ should also do great with the military and ex-military from both counties who tend to vote Republican. If the Republicans and Democrats turn out in an equal percentage relative to 2016, which already means the Democrats are turning out better than usual in a mid term, the race could be within 1% either way. In a blue wave I think MJ wins. If Democrats have their usual midterm turnout Carter wins.
  20. Cenk has just rebranded the race Beto Vs. Beta, after Cruz begs for Trump's help. Whatever you may think of TYT this is a fun video. https://youtu.be/6R8QcgxMD8E
  21. I am too busy doing nothing but it would be funny if someone recycled all the stuff about Cruz on social media.
  22. My recollection, which could be faulty, is that Cruz won 40% of the Latino vote in 2012. That was, however, before the wall bullshit. Random GOTV efforts among Latinos may not be that helpful without those voters being educated on the candidates.
  23. When has Cruz not been offensive?
  24. It still looks like Beto will be the first Senate candidate to raise $40 million from individual donations.
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