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Burnt Ends
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  • Birthday May 9

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  1. When Texas lowers the horns, Texas bucks and raises them and wrecks everything.
  2. This. They prefer to slobber on side meat that requires sauce because they are too stupid to know how to prepare it correctly. Bacon is great, but Brisket is king.
  3. A rivalry requires both parties to be on par with the other. This isn't a rivalry, it's just hate. With that stated, Texas doesn't require the use of sauce to properly cook any meat. If someone wants real barbecue, they come here. For those favoring a sub-standard product, they go where it's necessary to use sauce because they don't know what the fuck they are doing. Pork has been and always shall be the side meat next to beef which is, obviously, the main meat. Take the sauce out to the garbage toss it in, then jump in after it because that's where sauce and the people covering for their stupidity and ignorance all belong. 52-10, Texas, showing up with real smoked meat.
  4. I don't know why this was ever a thing. Defense two decades ago operated against offenses two decades ago. The offenses run today weren't available two decades ago. So why are people trying to make open comparisons? Was VY and the zone-read available in the 83/84 seasons? Before DKR, was the wishbone available to literally anyone? Stop this nonsense. It is absolutely absurd to attempt comparisons. The only comparisons anyone can honestly make are the efforts made by people that have skin in the game and care.
  5. I'm going to need you to have a seat on the bench. Drink some water. Go eat something. I will HOOAH you.
  6. Don't call him a pussy. We all enjoy pussy. Calm him a sooner.
  7. Serious inquiry: why is anyone monitoring the aggy boards? Who gives a shit about the thoughts of a hive-mind unibrain?
  8. It appears your autocorrect has failed. I believe you intended to type "fucks."
  9. Will you all wash the sand out of your panties now? Please.
  10. Trey Moore is having himself a goddamn game
  11. On one hand, he does eat space.. on the other is a cheeseburger. So it's really not even a toss-up.
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