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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. DKR won't require acoustically necessary PVC pipes to dissipate noise away from the structure unlike, pyle field. Doing a job correctly requires time and forethought. This structure Won't crumble and be a bonfire redux in a few years.
  2. Burning bridges on both ends is an art. Doing so whilst standing on the bridge is a masterpiece.
  3. Fuckin hell. He looks looks like Admiral Dougherty in Star Trek Insurrection after he had his face melted. And that was some shitass cgi.
  4. Just a thought... Sark's quote of "You don't say no to Texas." Kind of resembles DKR's response when he was offered, then hired as the head football coach.
  5. Did I miss who is (expected to be) the new S&C coordinator?
  6. 20 January 2021 1201 is the appropriate time to point out the most re-occuring crime charged in the Russia Investigation.
  7. I've remitted myself from comment on this. I don't require or want "upvotes" for this comment. This open insurrection against a Constitutionally mandated process is not acceptable. The actions of donald trump and this mob are treasonous. The Constitution is very clear about how to respond to treason and what methods shall be taken. I am one of the many Veterans that post on this board, or the old board, or the one before that. I swore and oath to the United States Constitution. I may no longer wear the uniform; however, I will always honor my oath. This will not stand. As long as I am able to exhale, I will defend the Constitution of this nation.
  8. You're at about a 9. I need you to be at about a 3. Can you do that for me?
  9. I have celebrated your avatar for years.
  10. The: Fuck It, I'm Just Gonna Get Drunk Bowl
  11. I hope above all that @CHAD BRISCOE decides to use this feature.
  12. He's still grazing. Trying to fetch a high price at the stock show.
  13. Thujone is a goddamn national treasure. His works need to be archived in the Library of Congress and adorn the fucking Louvre.
  14. Sounds good, but think back to when you were 20. Maybe you were a saintly alterboy, but i wouldnt have given a single fuck about a disease about as deadly as flu to my age group. I'm amazed at the number of games that have been played so far.. When I was 20, I was more concerned with bullets and in coming artillery. Please don't take my post to mean a lack of appreciation for each game the team has played to this point. With everything going on, I'm extremely grateful to just be able to have games being played. There is nothing normal about this year, let alone the football season.
  15. Bedlam 2 the electric boogaloo on *their own* sister.
  16. Godfuckingdamnit. Wear a goddamn mask. Wash your goddamned hands. At this point, every human should be able to recognize that preventative measures are far easier than being a stupid fucking shitass that wants to be a rebel.
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