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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. I think he was trying to wipe it actually. Look at the hand placement.
  2. It might not be the doctrine, but it's the logical following of the process.
  3. Let me introduce you motherfuckers to the 1000 pill generic bottles of whatever your looking for on Amazon. Buy in bulk and save a literal shit ton. https://www.amazon.com/SDA-Laboratories-Generic-Benadryl-Allergy/dp/B001X45QII/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=diphenhydramine+50mg+1000&qid=1581771227&sr=8-3
  4. Just remember, if you don't sin then jesus died for nothing.
  5. I think this is most likely from her returning with Voyager and his learning of her during his time as an Admiral. They share a strong connection with both being formerly members of the Borg. I doubt it's from when he was assimilated. #4 isn't what you thought it was. Rewatch and note the line about making a "pit stop"
  6. There are rules here. Please try to at least post pics of her in her prime. Let's get this thread back on track.
  7. This is where my thinking is at as well. No one wants to have 73 different streaming services that costs as much or more than cable did. So I think a conglomerate will get a deal going to have them put forward proposals to be able to package their streaming services together. Doing it this way would mean they might not make as much from each individual account like they do now, but instead make up for it with having the volume of accounts go up since no one is trying to pick between "this one or that one" anymore. Which makes a lot of sense and everyone wins.
  8. I'm not in the "show me a loss camp" but there is no legitimate reason any team in the conference can compete with this roster.
  9. The spectrum of what is acceptable and unacceptable at baylor is odd. One would think that sexual assault and rape, especially when administrators are involved in covering it up is worse than hazing; however, waco is in it's own little sphere of fucking bizarre. I guess because males were involved in being harmed that was found to be unacceptable. But if its females, well they "had it coming." /baylorlogic
  10. Agreed. This idea of only releasing one episode a week is a dichotomy of love/hate. It gives time to digest and analyze but at the same time leaves my brain hungering for more.
  11. I knew they were Romulans as soon as I saw them. I deduced from the trailers that this series would follow the Hobus supernova, then seeing the two at chateau Picard confirmed them as refugees from the rescue. I dont want to get into episode 2 since it just came out. However, suffice it to say... i did not expect them to be this kind of Romulans. I really appreciate that this series gives the audience a view of the STU after said supernova and ties all things together.im excited about where this series will take us and what lies ahead for us to uncover.
  12. I watched episode one yesterday and finished rewatching it again just now. So far, there are so many things to love about this new series. As much as I like to binge watch certain shows... some programs needs to be digested. This is one of those shows.
  13. Ha ha, well now! We call this the act of mating But there are several other very important differences Between human beings and animals that you should know about
  14. Confusion is the game plan of anyone who has no idea what the fuck they are doing. The hallmark even.
  15. Yeah... this probably isn't the right thread to respond to for the last season of this show but someone will reply and correct me. So its whatever. If there is a problem with my replying here, pm derka. I'm glad the series closed the way it did, at least displaying how the concept of heaven might not be able to live up to expectations. Like a baseball bat, there has to be a sweet spot. That sweet spot must be paid in the swing and follow through though. The idea of eternal bliss without anything to work towards is absurd.
  16. I think the only question left to answer is who is gonne be the sticker bitch for this shitshow?
  17. The players will adjust. It may take a decade or two, but they will adjust and there will be balance in how dominant the defenses are over a given offense, player, or scheme.
  18. Oh her, that's karen. She got on the team by having a word with the manager.
  19. ...so is piggy not gonna put safeties on the field or will they just do whatever they like? I mean, either way it's not like they will make much of a difference.
  20. It still should be the goddamned death penalty for what happened there. That institute enabled unprecedented and unacceptable things to occur. SMU paid some kids to play a game. Baylor trapezed them into the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE TO PLAY PROFESSIONAL FUCKING FOOTBALL. There is no comparison here. SMU got the death penalty and was allowed to return to major college football. Baylor should be banished form all major college sports forever.
  21. Please, take your smock and colored pencils and depart. We would want you to leave without all you brought with you. Fuck you!!!
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