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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. The rare 2nd qtr cobra of defeat has been sighted. Perhaps we can observe the entire population of the surrender-cobra.
  2. I hate oklahoma. My hatred goes beyond football. I will never forgive or forget.
  3. Nah. Not even nah. Stop hitting the sativa. Go find some coffee. You need to wake the fuck up. Whatever peyote you've been tripping on is not helping you find your path back to reality.
  4. Merry fuckin Hatemas. 59-10. Texas paves a new parking lot north of the Red River for the biggest Buccees to ever be built. *edit: not that any honest Texan would actually put their property in that area. What, with all the cheating, lying, stealing, and murdering they are so boastful about. Goddamn I hate everything about everything they choose to be. I would prefer to have a meal with the taliban than anyone from oklahoma.
  5. I don't give any kind of shit about the league beyond the well-being, advancement, and promotion of Texas. No one else is is Texas if they didn't wear burnt orange and white. I only have any interest in the league for the Texas Alums. I will only have interest in them. I want all of my people to be in the best possible position to succeed. They came to Texas for that reason.
  6. Fucking dead to me now.
  7. Our guy is going to ball the fuck out in a conference in active collapse and display why he was rated 5* everywhere he's been. Mr. Murphy, LEAVE NO DOUBT.
  8. This guy will always be a Longhorn. He's unselfish and has been and always will be a person with exceptional character. The high academic standards at the University of Texas have helped him to get into a university where he will be successful on and off the field. I'll buy his steak dinner anytime, anywhere (preferably at VY's steak house).
  9. As much as I don't want Mr. Murphy to leave, I more want him to be successful wherever he lands. He's been an integral part of why this team has found success. Unfortunately, the dynamics of the way the football in our time doesn't offer the opportunity to have more than one person on the field to sling the ball around, outside of "trick plays." Everything is predicated upon yards accumulated for specific stats. While that works now, it's a broken system.
  10. If I buy a ticket, can I gift it to someone else? If so, can that be done anonymously? I can't go to the party. But I'll be damned if I'm not going to support the cause.
  11. I, too, am looking forward to this introduction.
  12. That man deserves the hardware. Goddamn. To be in company with Tommy Nobis isn't next level; that is other worldly. With hardware in hand, let's go get some more.
  13. Injuries are a motherfucker. I hate that Neyor is portaling. As with all the other Longhorns doing so, I wish them only success wherever they go. Unless it's to goddamned oklahoma. Go anywhere there, and you burn in hell.
  14. I really wish bowls rep'd the name of the bowl and never allowed any sponsor to ascribe a name. The "'X' bowl" presented by z is acceptable. The bowl of some for-profit named after it cheapens everything for everyone.
  15. Cool. Guy could've committed to any other school in the state - or country. Fucker decided to sell his soul and go join some shitass organization north of the red river. I don't want traitors.
  16. Bookends.
  17. Incorrect. We haven't even begun to peak. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch. Think of the smell.
  18. You're goddamned right.
  19. Drinking.
  20. There is a reason hope was the first into Pandora's box. Hope is the worst thing to have when all of the other chaos is allowed to have free reign. One can hope; but when that hope is destroyed over and over and over it becomes apparent that hope will not become reality. Never hope for anything. There is a lot more chaos than anything you can hope out of.
  21. Goddammit. Yes.
  22. For one team, yes.
  23. Step on their fucking throats.
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