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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. On 13 October 2019 on my way into work, I was involved ina hit-and-run accident. I need legal representation to go after the guy that hut my car. I'm not a lawyer. I dont wish to cause undue harm. That being said, I've have a constant headache and backache since the accident. My issues from my time In iraq and Afghanistan and Iraq have been giving me a lot of problems. Life has been difficult for me. I need help.

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  2. 18 hours ago, Fuck Tim Beck said:

    I was gonna suggest a blind monkey. But we already have that. And I'm not convinced mensa would not meddle with anyone else anyway. He seems like the sort that is always telling everyone he knows more that you. 


  3. Just now, fattyflattie said:

    That’s right. As infuriating as this is, it isn’t the Strong years. Haven’t fucked up a coin toss in going on 4 years. Fuck. 

    I look more at the values and culture of a program. The values at Texas align with my own. There will be periods of greatness and periods of absurdity. But as long as I know that those I'm attached to are doing the right thing, I'm okay with whatever happens. It won't last forever.

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Longboard Horn said:

    I wanted Chris Peterson after Mack left. 

    In order for that to happen, his kid's doctor has to come down to Texas. While that isn't outside of reality, it still requires the stars to align.

  5. 1 minute ago, Zavala said:

    Sorry to hear that dude, that sucks. Take it easy and drink lots of water, it sounds silly but keep your eyes off screens for a month or so as much as you can.

    Karma will balance it out for the fucker

    My lawyer and insurance will get this fucker. Before the symptoms set in and my cortisol wore off, I recognized that the place the dickbag left has a camera pointing in the exact spot that it happened.

    I have a nice sum from the insurance coming in to get a new car, not including the shit from the medical bills.

  6. Now that the game is over...

    Earlier this week, on my way into work some fucking asshole decided to run into my car and drive away.. my car was totaled and I was the *lucky* recipient of a concussion.  I plan on pursing the shitbag for the fucking inexcusable human being that they are. Concentrating has not been my strong suit this week. FWPD and my insurance discovered that the car that hit me was uninsured. Fortunately, it was at a location with cameras. I'm confident this shitbag will be caught and nailed to the wall as they deserve. Unfortunately, I wont be able to have MY car back. I'm mostly back to my own shit, but it's still difficult to concentrate without getting a headache.

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