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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. I have a vast vocabulary. I lack words to express or convey the hatred within me for anyone that is sympathetic to anything or anyone in oklahoma (displaced indigenous peoples of North America excluded).
  2. My sweet dick, it's magic!!
  3. Give them the "O" face.
  4. The D is going to give it. The D is long and girthy. It penetrates and hits everything in the right spots.
  5. All of Gordon's friends and family can get fucked, too. Goddamned traitors.
  6. Bury everyone. Alive.
  7. Fuck. Everyone. In. This. Shitass. Conference.
  8. When a man achieves the realization and actualization that whatever environment is around and makes that shit go to bed, that human has achieved a level of enlightenment that fewer ever get to experience. This team is the one we've been hoping to have across four coaches and approaching 14 years. This team is historic. There are at least two more games. Excuses are as good as shit tickets- use them to wipe away shit. The only shit-covered asshole will be the off-brand sooners. Leave. No. Doubt.
  9. To be ever so more poignant, ONLY shit runs through it. Have fun wallowing in that slop, Mr. Yormark. From my asshole to your mouth (and everyone else in this shitass conference), from mine to yours, eat it.
  10. You're Goddamned Right. https://youtu.be/FKRB7bzgAsU?si=h1GfuHq8XPiqar4C
  11. Slotxh has been around for a while. At this point he's that weird relative who hangs around at a family gathering and only wants to talk about topics that no one is really interested in, but is humored and welcomed as family regardless.
  12. Them goddamn brakes better not have any pressure or fluid.
  13. I'll see your "sexy grouch" and raise you a Frank.
  14. Goddamn Right. Fuck this shitass conference.
  15. TCEH and everyone else in this shitass association can (and I hope they all do) fuck over each other into oblivion and relegate each other into the third/fourth rate level institution where they belong.
  16. There is a DS9 joke in here somewhere...
  17. Everygoddamnedthing they do is worse than the last abomination. That fucking plaque is so hilarious right now.
  18. My Catahoula would probably be the better acquisition. He and I are a package deal, and he is definitely the better looking one. He does need some work with his non-regional diction, he probably also would sound more "throaty" and bass given that his mouth seems to go all the way back to where his tail meets the end of his spine. He also sings the song of his people every morning when I arrive home from work.
  19. Should read 'reaction*' not election.
  20. My hunnit lbs cat has decided to be a lapdog on game day.idk if he is trying to comfort me when I have a election to the game. He is the goodest of boys.
  21. SO THEY CAN????
  22. Brando has electrolytes. Plants crave electrolytes.
  23. Looking at what/school she's wearing, more poignantly presently - this afternoon.
  24. Anytime, anywhere, if you see red it always means go fucking stomp.
  25. Unless the wind blows really, really hard there isn't anything else of note that happens north of the red river. Sometimes they get methed up, but that's about it.
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