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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. How about this, instead of worrying about transcripts or contemporaneous notes about the call, the executive branch retrieve the recording of the call from the clandestine server its stored in - which is in itself against the purpose of said server - and let it stand on it's own with the legislature. That way, whatever couldn't be "transcribed" due to technical issues or anything else. That is really the best way to get to the bottom of the issue regarding the call.
  2. You are avoiding the fact that said server is ONLY to be used for purposes of national security. Besides that, someone with direct knowledge of said phone call did come forward and file a complaint as a whistleblower.
  3. Taco is my favorite character on the league. I will never not rep someone for giffing him
  4. Attempting to pressure a foreign government in exchange for a "favor" by withholding assistance to that country is unlawful though. It's, what is referred to in the business, as a "quid pro quo"l." the words "quid pro quo" do not actually have to be stated. Only the asking of something from the other party in exchange for something you have that they want or need.
  5. Perhaps. I don't mind getting them to provide some comedy gold though.
  6. From the Rudy thread, post #205 by @Brisketexan
  7. I'm not referring to a subpoena for anyone, that is an entirely different issue from the question I asked. I'll go find the post that laid out this dilemma succinctly. The issue I'm referring to is using someone not in the executive branch to conduct business for that branch or the US government in general.
  8. Then the question of whether the act was done as a conspiracy against the United States.
  9. The exact reason New Jersey is referred to colloquially as "The Garden State"
  10. The question is what information, intelligence, or conferring is being retained as privileged information? Things that go through the proper channels and are in line with established foreign policy? Sure, I can understand that as privileged information. However, using someone who is not in anyway affiliated in any capacity with the government to influence other countries, or to establish channels that are outside of the legal and proper channels is absolutely not privileged information. Then there are the whistleblowers that went through the proper channels and brought the present issue to the forefront of our collective consciousness. What this administration and players in this ordeal have done clearly demonstrates a pattern of trying to undermine our institutions, alliances, and policies. So what information exactly are you trying to assert is privileged information?
  11. I mean at this point, this is just Tommy Boy and Black Sheep.
  12. Can we keep this Jersey for the rest of the year?
  13. At least pigs are real heroes. They turn grass and other shit into bacon.
  14. I didn't know it was possible to sweat through spray tan? Also, pigs don't have sweat glands.
  15. The score at the end of any game doesn't matter.they will ALWAYS require players from Texas. People that have zero regard for any semblance of human decorum. Seriously, fuck these people. They are shit.
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