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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. Merry Hatemas
  2. I went to sleep at ~0230 and woke up, organically, a few minutes after 0600. I am awake because I am giddy about the cathartic ass whipping that's about to happen when Texas skull-fucks oklahoma so hard it has to rethink existence. The greatest thing to ever come out of that shitass state is I35 South.
  3. I don't know about any of you fuckers, I finally retired last night around 0230. I awoke a bit after 0600 giddy for the hateful tidings Saint BEVO XV, long may he reign, upon this Most High-Holiday of Hatemas.
  4. The true character of a man will expose itself as time and the elements weather it down.
  5. This 'band of boys' will never have to worry about anyone else crawling into bed with their wives. NTTIATWWI - which of them is tasked as the wife, I guess is up to them and/or perhaps a lottery.
  6. Legend has it that he is still laying on the grass in the Cotton Bowl...
  7. With the way that game was played, you have to expect the wildest shit to go down.
  8. Yep. LSU scores and misses the extra point.
  9. This is going to overtime.
  10. Nearly 1300 yards of combined offense in this game. Hahahahahahahaha
  11. This is an absolute shitshowfor all parties involved.
  12. oklahoma gonna shit the bed at home. They'll probably still win, but it's gonna cost 'em.
  13. If there is a time, it is a known.
  14. Special Teams showed out there.
  15. That was filthy by Baxter.
  16. The problem should be fixed. My feed kept stalling, so I switched to one with a more secure connection.
  17. I think, maybe, they just don't want to be there.
  18. Worthy attacked after the catch.
  19. That 1st ranked 3rd down conversion rate sure is suffering today.
  20. His back injury acted up this morning, allegedly.
  21. Their dogs can't hunt.
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