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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. I very much like that the big guys up front are mean and nasty. They look for people to hit drive backwards. This attitude is huge. It is the culture of the program. Fuck then up and worry about everything else later.

  2. Perhaps the perception of what constitutes conservative play calling is the paradigm that needs to change? During any football game, the experience is totally subjective to the information you have on hand. So maybe a paired down playbook with plays you know you are good at and will advance yourself against whatever opponent, but not all opponents are built the same. So what those plays look like vs one team may not look the same with another.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Loco said:

    Not actually. Mullen lost his mind in a meeting when Urbs suggested that even if Tebow went to Bama it'd be alright.  I heard he climbed up on the table and demanded that they go all out for him.  Fucking Tebow grew up loving the Gata and he was like a hair away from going Gump and saving Shula's ass.

    Tebow was good, but he never fucked.

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