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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. Ya'll got QBs that can run? Cool. So. Do. We.
  2. Swiss cheese.
  3. I take the customers request and deliver them to engineers.
  4. "What would you say, ya do here?"
  5. Relegate Baylor to the middle school championship they have earned.
  6. You're just now starting? I've been celebrating the departure from this shitshow for quite some time.
  7. Baylor is deserved of the toilet that the stadium resembles. Fuck the apologists. They can all choke on each other's dicks. That specific university is one that I sincerely hope Texas never again entertains as an opponent within their administrative ability to schedule.
  8. Does anyone know if clubmek and Shipley's fathers were rooming college and has it been established yet?
  9. Soju goes down easy, but it will sneak up and put grown ass men on their ass if they don't respect it. If I can't have whiskey, my next go-to is Soju.
  10. At the inception of Surlyhorns, when that bitchass ice cream guy forced a migration from the old site; I preserved the entirety of "the cell phone flop out" for posterity, and because I painstakingly animated every scene in MS paint. The images I made were irrevocable. But the story lives on here, with those who deserve to hear it.
  11. I hope people got paid betting against the line. It may be dehydration, but I am shook at what just happened.
  12. Did that really just happen? Or am I in some weird inebriated trip that I have an altered perception of reality?
  13. This offense came to fuck.
  14. Why do you want anything for GDGD?
  15. Cool. They can both go and collectively fuck each other.
  16. These guys came to fucking play and to just fuck shit up.
  17. X-man comes up worthy
  18. The Barron controls shit.
  19. Make sure to stay hydrated with plenty of alcohol to help thin your blood.
  20. ESPN needs to unfuck their feed. Keeps jumping back to the US open.
  21. Nebraska, brick by brick.
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