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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. Do they even teach tackling in the secsecsec?
  2. That goddamn commercial is seriously making me think about switching providers
  3. But he did it with such effort! That has to fount for something.
  4. Looks like that October dropoff is coming early for aggy this year...
  5. What two consenting men do in the privacy of their own home is none of my business.
  6. Some of that talent is top notch.
  7. But this is aggy's best team evar!!!
  8. He's a cadet. He'll be a stupid LT in 4 years and he will have the pick of all the off-post whoores when he gets to his dury station. But he'll never be able to find his way out of a land nav course without a NCO.
  9. The ad will land in a plane and declare support
  10. So who else is gonna lease a range rover after this game?
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