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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. 11 hours ago, LSUDude247 said:

    Didn't Tom Herman lose to Maryland in back-to-back years? A Maryland team that went 5-7 and 4-8 nonetheless.


    I guess you also missed the fact that we had 8 defensive starters out including our star Corner and Safety? Or the fact that we had WRs playing corner.


    p.s. (If LSU isn't a powerhouse, then Texas surely isn't a powerhouse) 

    Ok, cool.


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  2. What in the actual fuck? Being heterosexual is in no way a prerequisite to appreciating sports. This guy is reaching like a motherfucker to come up with some correlation between his perceived "homosexual agenda" and people liking sports or a team or a player. I'm glad people can be who they are and it not interfere with other things in life. It's only a problem for this guy possibly because he is uncomfortable with it? Idk. Fuck man. Just let other people do their thing. You dont have to be a bitch about it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    This is basically the only thing that bothers me about Connelly. His sensitivity and defiant defense of his system as though it is The Truth and others just don't get it. As a fellow producer of advanced ratings systems I think I'm qualified to note that they are inherently imperfect and those who produce them should be more aware of their imperfections than anyone. 

    The fact that there is a subset of teams who share specific traits in style of play and whom your system struggles to get a handle on doesn't mean they play wrong like Connelly implies. It means your system doesn't handle them well. If that subset is small enough it's probably not worth it to try to change your system to capture them if it's intended to handle the entire team universe. Just say that instead of whining and getting defensive when they're pointed out. 

    Then there's the fact that as proven this offseason, the entire time he's combatively defending his system against all questioning he's simultaneously researching changes and tweaks he can make to his system to improve it because he knows it's not perfect. After the 2018 season he changed his ratings to keep preseason data in all season long, he changed them to adjust ratings based on the conference a team is in. This last change is based on a completely arbitrary human grouping of teams that makes zero sense from an analytical perspective. He is using conference grouping as a proxy for team strength and may not even realize it. Essentially it is a post-processing corrective step that simply shifts good teams up and bad teams down. He made major changes, and they are definitely major, to his system immediately after spending 2018 defending his system as though it was perfect.

    And for all of his arbitrary changes to the system, consider the fact that if Alabama and South Florida had completely swapped coaching staffs on February 15th, 2019 that his preseason ratings would not change. At all. Any reasonable person would understand and publicly recognize inherent weaknesses like that in their creation.

    Just throwing shit against the wall here... why not instead build a system to explain why the results became what they were? Inmho, that would be more valuable and a far more acceptable system than trying to weigh one thing more than another. In 2016, when Kansas beat Texas, there were metrics that led to that conclusion. They happened in-game and might not be predicted before hand. When App State beat Michigan, could that be predicted before the result? If the data set is taken as a week on basis, then it gets more to the point and less about giving any specific team any kind of brand recognition and building the outcome from it.to me, that is far more applicable than weighing teams on some arbitrary and bullshit equation.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Born Burnt said:


    I admit. It was fucking gross. And when I did it, I recognized that I was choosing to follow through with a bad idea. It was a shitbag thing to do. If I'm being honest, I knew I wasn't doing anything that would do any real harm. I grew up with FAR worse. But if you feel you need to crucify anyone,  then crucify me. When push came to shove and shit got real, owned up to everything i did. I even got accused of pouring bbq sauce from Vienna sausage into his other shoe. That I didn't do. However, I did rectify the things I did do.

  5. 2 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Anyone know Josh personally and can share more info??  Josh previously lost an older brother to suicide.  Carrying a gun shows poor judgement and possibly other issues. May be a cry for help.  Hope Josh is currently  getting counseling ...

    After verdict, Josh might either: a) portal out or b) not play in 2019 and redshirt if Herman/CDC decide he should get another chance.


    Fyi:  Interesting comments from Saban on punishing players and 2nd chances


    I don't know how hard saban was with his guy. I do know how hard my drill sergeants were with me for a prank I pulled when I wiped another guy's pillowcase on my ass and pissed in his shoe. I do know that it wasn't fun and I should've probably been kicked out. It was stupid of me to even think of pulling that shit. Idk what was going through Moore's head when he felt he needed a gun for whatever reason. Speaking for myself, I wanted to do something that would prove to my friends that I belonged. I'm thankful that the leadership over me had the sense to take my dumbass under their wing and mentor me. The ability to lead men is in rare supply these days. I hope Joshua Moore is able to find a better path in his life than one that takes him down the road of needing a gun for any situation he may find himself in. I sure found a better path than pulling stupid high school pranks and I thank the men and women that helped me find it.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Newy25 said:

    That’s why I fly over England entirely. 


    45 minutes ago, honolulu horn said:

    Heathrow is the worst airport I've ever used, and I've flown into to some truly terrible airports.

    After missing my - which was literally still at the gate when I got to it - I had to wait until the next flight 12 hours later. I was flying back work after my daughter was born, so money was tight. I ended up having to stay in the airport overnight. In fucking October. I wasn't planning on staying there for any length of time. I generally only fly with a carry on to expedite getting the fuck outnif the airport since all my shit is already where I'm going. So I didn't have a jacket. When they shut that shit down, they shut it the fuck down. As I was alone in the area outside the terminal, I tried to sleep but couldn't because it was too cold and I generally don't sleep when I'm traveling alone. I literally hate that airport more than words can express.

  7. 2 hours ago, bigup2dahorns said:

    Boarding a flight at Heathrow (Surly business class of course). Expecting some decent content in 10 hours or so. Do your worst.

    Fuck literally everything about that airport. When I was working overseas, I missed a connection there because I was unaware that terminal 5 has 3 goddamn buildings and my flight was departing from the third building. There are no maps or signs explaining this. Crazy Brits and their shitty designs.

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