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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. Cornaggy can't stop shooting themselves right in the dick.
  2. I worked very hard for a long goddamned time to earn having every Saturday off. When I was deployed, I sacrificed sleep to watch the Longhorns. Underneath my uniform, I wore my GameDay shirt for every game. Don't make excuses, create solutions.
  3. I was previously instructed that 5* QBs go to Safety, not LB. Or was that a "Mack thing" sans VY?
  4. Jaylan Fucking Ford.
  5. How much for no more goddamned commercials?
  6. There is only one "first." Usually these are observed being the kids that have to get to the front of the lunch line in elementary school or claim it on a message board. I'll admit, this is a new variety not seen before in their natural habitat.
  7. Where did brick get a grenade?
  8. They know who pays the bills and don't know what the fuck they're going to do when the ink has dried on the divorce papers.
  9. Fuck this janky ass conference.
  10. This is the only car themed thread I could find. I didn't look very hard, I'm tired and sore. I don't have a car worthy of being considered in any form "classic." I was quoted an outrageous price to change a part. I'm not in the slightest mechanically inclined. Yesterday, after I got off work (night shift) I bought the part at the automotive store and went into a fight with my car. Alone. Sparse, cheap tools were all I had to work with. I won. I'm sore in places that I haven't been in a very long time. Injuries were aggravated. But I won. I'm scraped, brused, cut up, still trying to remove oil and dirt. But I won. I just wanted to celebrate this personal victory with anyone. I did it with vitriol and pure personal determination of will. I won.
  11. I'm a Texan. I've fought in wars. REMEMBER THE ALAMO. Even if this is is a loss, there is a greater victory on the horizon. We will have it. Remember The Alamo.
  12. The amount of sand in some of your pussies makes the Sahara look like a walk to the beach. I'm not a sunshine anything. Bitching on some random message board accomplishes nothing. Shit gets difficult. That's not an excuse to bitch about it. Be an adult and look adversity in the face. Accept it for what it is. Then perform a mental check to figure out what you can do to solve the problem. Quick fact: bitching on a message board does nothing; especially during a goddamned game. The only purpose it serves is for you to feel like you are doing something. You are not. You're bitching on a message board. Buried inside your feelings. I'm not attempting to have any manner of "virtue signaling" when I say this; so please do not take this as that. In attempt to limit any possibility of that, I'll just say that I've spent a lot of time in different timezones. I've sacrificed precious sleep to just have the chance to watch or listen to a Texas Longhorns football game. So don't talk to me. Just don't talk to me.
  13. He's got that "five star culture they have there in Waco" about him.
  14. I told you bitches to quit yer bitchen. Ya didn't listen. Leaders lead from the front and show the way.
  15. I'm not sure how many scripted plays Sark has for this game. Need to see what adjustments are made to what the defense is showing.
  16. I am not a "sunshine" pumper. I don't like whiny bitches.
  17. Some of y'all need to take this commercial break to go wash the sand out of your pussies. Then take a shot, throw up the Horns and come back.
  18. tornadoes have come through Austin since forever. Longhorns settle down and weather any storm and still here they are.
  19. LONG MAY HE REIGN!!!!!
  20. Goddamn. That wrist twitch is so fluid. If that wasn't put on slow-mo, it would be damn near imperceptible to the human eye.
  21. I smell something. I know when meat is getting smoked. Whoo baby. I love that scent.
  22. Apparently, there is a game today. I don't read to good no more. I don't hear well either. You meat bags need to make me hear every goddamned thing. Put down your wife's purse. Today is about hatred. Open that box with me. Fuck that purse.
  23. I went to the range for work on Tuesday. I am prideful of my marksmanship. Half of one American inch. I shot 99.3%. I would not reward myself with any morsel of that beautiful meat. I deserve none.
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