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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. I'm a citizen, but I'm going to refuse to answer that dumbass question. I will tell the census taker to get the fuck out of my house if they won't move past the question when I tell them I wont answer it. I have no problem answering the other questions.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Absolutely disgusting. This is something every facet of society must grow out of. There is no place in this world for this kind of bullshit. Despite whatever people thought in the past, it was always wrong. As for the person who was run out of the restaurant, I hope they went somewhere that is better and found new people who care about them for their ideas and experiences.

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, UncleBuck said:

    Nm. Trythisathome beat me to it.


    Baghag is a creepy ole thing, Thank God. If I'm a Broughton and see that I'm definitely ejecting out of aggy.

    If I were any recruit and saw some creepy ass old woman on another recruit's video say some shit like that, it would immediately turn me off to the school she was rooting for.

  4. 12 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    You limp noodled, cock sucking little troglodytes. I am the reaper of your online souls. I will pull the plug on this whole fucking place! I have done it once and I will do it again if a single one of you slack jawed glory hole vacuums spews one more fucking thing about this site or its reporting. Oh, do you feel that? It’s my finger on the switch. All of your silly little rep points are mine to toy with. The years you have sunk into this board can be wiped away faster than Ketchum can wipe his ass with a towel taped broom handle. You think I have anything to lose? Tomorrow you may log in and I will have turned this whole fucking place into an online scrapbooking site if I please. Quote the raven motherfuckers.

    -immamac probably

    Kevin Morgan? Are gonna sue this site again? You're a piece of shit.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    Since I guess we don't have to spoiler that shit anymore, the American is Kline.  

    Kline was taken into custody by US federal officials as seen in the "Cutting Edge" exclusive about Hawkins. If it's not Hopper, it's either Brenner or someone we haven't seen on screen yet.

  6. Do you dickheads want more story or more character development? Fuck.

    The kids characters are meant to be an example of what you, or anyone else watching, can juxtapose themselves onto. We all experienced something like what they went through. No, not the goddamn monsters or the Russians. But the changing dynamic as we grew up and learned to appreciate the opposite gender. Every person has something in their past to grapple with.

    The duffers have a limited amount of space to fit everything together. They are advancing the story and trying to develop characters where they can. The entirety of the stranger things universe is about the traumas humans experience and how they are dealt with in the moment. There isn't time in the moment to "figure it out." Only act on whatever is in front of you.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, texifornia said:

    *quietly* I can't understand this board's deal with "natty" and "croot" while enforcing "aggy" for A&M either *end quietly*

    The term "aggy" is singular, much the same as the mindset of everyone who carries that moniker. The singular mindset itself it one that is cognitively dissociated from reality and is unable to process any information that would counter the intrinsic belief system of the aggy.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Sejjr said:

    So, they can use a fucking football with sensors in it to measure velocity, but it still takes a couple of old dudes with a couple of sticks to accurately measure a first down?

    Down and distance measurements are not our standard.

    • Like 1
  9. 10 hours ago, SaucyJack said:




    It's an American dream
    Includes Indians too.

    What do the people on that subcontinent have to do with this? It occurs to me that you might've encountered an autocorrect trying to spell Indiana. It happens to the best of us.

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