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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. On 5/16/2019 at 11:44 AM, TornACL said:

    What if -- and hear me out just a minute fellas -- the casino scene in TLJ was simply inserted an homage to prequel George Lucas?

    I haven't said "Jesus Christ, get on with it" during a star wars movie since the god damn space congress scene in whichever piece of shit prequel that was. I don't think I even watched the other two. 

    This hypothesis would be plausible only if the characters in the scene were filmed doing lines of blow off of a hookers ass.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Chet Steadman said:

    I’ve only seen 5-6 episodes of Black Mirror and while I love the idea of the show, the plots mess with my head too much.  National Anthem and Entire History of You stuck with me for months, and not in a good way.  I did however enjoy USS Calister and I LOVED San Junipero.  

    Any “light” episodes in S5?

    I don't think any of the episodes in season 5 are as heavy as they've been before. I do highly recommend Hang the DJ if you want something that is a little lighter. As for season 5, I would say Rachel, Jack, and Ashley too would be your best bet.

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  3. 42 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    Well that was a terrible choice lol

    I enjoyed bandersnatch. Interactive storytelling is way more enjoyable than getting a single, straight forward narrative.

  4. This season was a lot more grounded in the present than previous seasons, not including bandersnatch. Well, 2 of the 3 episodes any way. However, all three deal with issues that we do face now whether there is a technological aspect associated with it or not.

  5. I know Herman's philosophy is that it doesn't matter if the win is by 1 or 100, it's still a win. With that being said, I really hope he decides to let the team step on everyone's throat and not go conservative like he has in his first two years once leading late. Don't necessarily need to go to QB power so often, just don't close the playbook so early. Texas is finally in a position again to really start destroying every team in front of them. With so many guys being replaced on the defense, the offense will need to be the cash cow until they get their footing. I'm very excited to see what this team can really do.

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  6. Before Dicko started doing his thing, punting was pretty boring and really rudimentary. It seemed to follow the same equation of just kicking it and trying to flip the field. Now, it's legitimately weaponized for pinning the opposing offenses deep in their own territory. I'm wondering when punt returners will be asked to try and screen the first gunner so they have a harder time keeping the ball from being a touchback. It's doubtful that more than the one returner will be put back there.

  7. I would like to formally submit my protest of this hire.

    As a father, I would never EVER allow my child to be around by someone such as Briles. I'm incredibly thankful my child's school wasn't the one that decided to add him to their employ. Nevertheless, that doesn't negate that other children will be around, influence, and subjected to anything he has to offer. That is simply unacceptable.

  8. 14 hours ago, CashMcCoy said:

    I guess I could ask CDC this on Twitter, but is there not going to be student seating in the SEZ now that the bleachers have been torn to shreds?

    No need to ask CDC on Twitter, he reads this thread. Hell, he might even post here.

  9. On 9/12/2018 at 10:24 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Red Letter Media guys came up with a solid idea for bringing  him back. 


    I like it. Too bad it will never happen. Also, it kind if has a feel of what the sphere-builders were doing in Enterprise with the Xindi.

  10. 2 hours ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    Eh, whether or not Tom wins a championship, at the very worst, our teams will be tough, compete, and pretty much never get blown out. No more of those weak Mack teams, sans VY and a bunch of other NFL players, getting blown out a few times every year. 

    If he can just stop losing to Marylands, we'll be a 10 win team every year with just 1-2 close loses. That alone is worth a contract extension. 

    I'm not sure if just having seasons with double digit wins is enough. That was kind of what got Mack in trouble with complacency. This isn't some middling university in a maybe not so great recruiting area; THIS IS THE FUCKING UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS!

    Thus why having goals of winning championships is where we all expect the bar to be set.

  11. The Longhorn logo being placed on the new South Endzone will give the appearance that the smoke is coming out of its nostrils/mouth when the team and Bevo will run out of to enter the field.

    Few other, if any, teams will ever have a design that can do the same.

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