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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. 1 minute ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    Eh, he's a piece of shit.  But he's the worst possible thing for Trump:  a loser who has nothing more to lose, who has a story to tell with receipts.


    Absolutely. I'm glad he's decided to work with Mueller and his team.

    Now, whatever may come of all of this is something else entirely.

  2. For a long time I was staunchly against cohen. Throughout every appearance he made on TV prior to flipping, he continuously showed signs of deception. All of this he's since admitted to.

    I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say and learning whether he is still displaying signs of deception or if he's being forthcoming and truthful.

  3. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    How long does each questioner get? At least 1 or 2 Democrats should spend their time probing something that doesn't appear at all in his opening statement.  His time as deputy finance chairman at the RNC. That should get some folks in the room squirming.  

    That would be delicious.

  4. The government already has my DNA on record. They collected it when I enlisted. I would rather it be expunged, but I know that's not ever going to happen even though I'm not in anymore.

    As for civilian agencies and my DNA, I will never submit to it being collected. I also refuse to participate in my employer's bullshit metrics system to "reward" my activity. It's a racket and I know exactly what it's for. I have no interest in participating in such a shitshow. I've been contacted a number of times about starting and everytime I tell them to pound sand and that in no uncertain terms would I ever participate. It's pretty laughable how many people willingly submit themselves to this nonsense.

  5. 4 minutes ago, SDG said:

    Wasn’t there a sooner site that was part of the lawsuit?  If so, did it get the axe to?   

    Landthieves, and I dont believe so. I'm pretty sure they snuck in beforehand and staked their claim to the servers and the judge just didn't want to deal with their hillbilly asses.

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  6. 2 hours ago, hpslugga said:

    Dude, even the US was, for a time at least, refusing to let in Jewish refugees escaping fucking Hitler, and that was under FDR's watch. You really think that there's ANY level of depravity a group must face that would make these MAGA idiots re-think any of this? 

    Again, to the MAGA crowd, this is Cry Me A River City. They don't care.

    Here's what they'd view as the difference:

    In North Korea, their leadership is "the bad guys."
    In Latin America, their leadership is "the good guys," and therefore no one should be leaving.

    I mean did you not watch Elliott Abrams kicking and screaming like a petulant child the other day when Ilhan Omar was grilling him? He was actually, among other things, defending the US' embrace of Duarte and insisting that he brought "democracy" to El Salvador in the 1980's...you know, the period where the closest parallel to a Nazi state was ever replicated. Well when you say things like that, people who take it at face value end up with the impression "geez, it's a democracy? THEY SHOULDN'T BE COMING HERE! THINGS ARE FINE FOR THEM AT HOME!!!"

    I'm not saying my argument will change everyone's mind, but it's a starting place to convey that it shouldn't have to be as bad as it is in North Korea before people here rethink their position on the matter. I'm not arguing that all or anyone should be allowed into the country. I am arguing that they do need to be heard though and have a legitimate opportunity to be let in if there is evidence to support the claims made for why they are requesting asylum. At the end of the day, we are all make up the human race. It doesn't and shouldn't matter what language someone speaks or the color of their skin or what religion they practice. If someone doesn't stand up and do the right thing in the immediate future, there wont be a later-on to worry about building a relationship with a thriving central and south America because they could be depopulated by overbearing, oppressive governmental regimes.

    If we really wanted to quell the need for caravans to keep coming here, this is how we will do it:

    First, help the people en route because they will know exactly what is wrong in the places they came from. Second, we will address the issues at the governmental level and earmark funds to address the issues whether its infrastructure, or economic, or due to the drug trade. If that proves to be successful, other kinds of intervention may be warranted, but at least we would have peace of mind knowing that we sought a diplomatic solution with aide and an end goal of friendship. If military action is needed, then we will be able to present the world community with valid and real evidence to support such action. Hopefully that would never be necessary though. So with infrastructure projects being built, there will be manpower needed in the form of laborers to build roads, bridges, affordable homes that people can be safe with in, or whatever else. This will stimulate the local economies and we will have another place to sell American made goods. This will present the population that is leaving to have the means to stay and something worth staying for.

    Additionally, with solid infrastructure and friendly governments in place because of the aforementioned projects, the countries that would then be prospering would be more attractive vacation destinations for anyone who could afford it.

  7. For those against asylum seekers coming here, let me ask you this: how bad does something have to be before you would relent and be open to the idea of granting asylum to those in need?

    Let's run through a very real scenario that happens today and compare the positions. North Korean asylum seekers flee North Korea into China because of the extremely oppressive nature they face at the hands of the government as well as the fact that there is little if any food and no possible way to grow economically as an individual within North Korea. If someone is captured by the Chinese then return to North Korea, they face among the hardest conditions of anyone on the planet just for trying to find a better life.

    So the question is this, do the people that are coming here in the caravans from Central and South America need to be facing the same kind of scrutiny and oppression as that of the North Koreans before you would change your position? Or are we actually going to be better than that and recognize that these are human beings and we are supposed to be the world leaders of acceptance and diversity?

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, NameAlreadyInUse said:

    Well they claim to be the party of personal responsibility so why would they want accountability?  I already took personal responsibility for my actions therefore no one can hold me accountable. Makes perfect sense. 

    Unfortunately, that's not how personal responsibility works. I know the GOP wishes it were, but it's not. These douche nozzles don't care about anything but keeping their dirty secrets from coming to light. This testimony is a farce.

  9. 2 hours ago, futureman said:

    god doesn’t exist. 

    While there may not be proof of the existence of God, if you are going to assert that no gods exist you must demonstrate that no gods exist. As it a near impossibility to prove a negative, the best practice is to not make assertion like this. Instead, simply force the deists to prove their God does exist by providing evidence that can be tested and stand up to scientific scrutiny.

    You are just making yourself look like an ass here because this is a recruiting thread and the subject matter has fuckall to do with your statement.

  10. 7 hours ago, workswithseed said:

    Seems like some super powers want to punch some blows and haven't really been able to.

    I'm not so sure that is the goal. However, that may be an unintended consequence. It's more likely, Russia's goal is to destabilize the world's reliance upon the US economy and assert itself in its place following the vacuum that will result. So instead of forcing the issue diplomatically as it should've been, this move will seek to further downgrade the US with the rest of the world as we recoil into ourselves militarily. There are a few other aspects already working to erode our internal ability to remain at the forefront of the world economy. Anyone with a pulse knew from the outset of the promise that Mexico was never going to pay for any infrastructure along the border, i.e. the wall. With trump shifting from that front to trying to force Congress, read the tax payer, to foot the bill it would draw funds from other desperately needed infrastructure projects such as bridges and dams. Next, there were the "tax cuts" that added onto the already massive deficit and will only make it grow faster because there isn't any capital to either pay it and/or fund the other necessary elements of the government. This entire charade is taking us further down into the depths of an abyss. These are willful actions that have a very real consequence. This isn't being done by some incompetent baffoon; at least with someone incompetent in the oval office they are limited by their own intellect. This is being done by someone who wants to have a complete paradigm shift on the world stage and if it takes risking a nuclear standoff to do it, they will. The problem here is that if it comes to that, the death toll of human lives will be catastrophic.

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