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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by HOOK'EMHOOAH

  1. 28 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Alabama has a special teams coordinator, Jeff Banks. Special teams is still the weakness of that team.

    Obviously, the right corch would need to be put in that position. Otherwise shit results will occur. Just remember that DKR has Special Teams as one of his big selling points to dominating games. He wanted his special teams and defense to be the best on the field on any given Saturday and by and large, they were. We all know how great an effective punter can be. Now if that can be extrapolated to encompass all of the special teams, it's easy to figure out that those would absolutely be deadly to the other team.

  2. I dont know, but I do know that whomever gets hired needs to be assigned as Special Teams Coordinator and that is the phase of the game they are responsible for. I've said this over and over and over. There will be a team that does this first and changes how coaching corps are structured across the game at the college level. I would prefer that team be Texas.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Xanax is nothing to fuck with and it's not a harmless party drug. Because at parties there is obviously going to be alcohol. Mixing Xanax with alcohol is just asking for trouble at a party scene. I've been there personally. I used to do it quite often. Blacking out constantly on that combination quite often. Almost running my car off the highway at a high rate of speed. It's a very dangerous mix. I've known people who wake up in jail with no recollection of how they got there on that stuff. I'm not going to lie, Xanax gave me a good feeling and I get the appeal.

    Which is why I said when someone does something that harms others or other's property, whether or not they are on any substance is the bottom line. We all make choices in life and we have to live with the consequences of those choices whether they are good or bad. I'm grateful that you and no one else were harmed when you were in that state. I have insomnia due to issues from my deployments and at one point my doctors had me on ambien. While on ambien, I would sleep walk and do things that I wouldn't normally do while not taking the medication. Like xanax, ambien is a substance that can people can easily become addicted to. It's also easy to get used to the dosage and need more to get the same effect. With all that in mind, I told my doctor I no longer wanted that particular medication and we would need to find something else that didn't have the same issues with addiction and wasn't easy to get used to so I wouldn't need a higher dosage. Now, I only take my sleep medication on days that I have to work to ensure I get ample sleep for work. But on days off, since I dont take it I usually end up staying up for upwards of 30 to 36 hours. Even though my current medication doesn't have any issue with addiction, I still dont want to risk it and keep myself in check. All of this is to say that a new approach that helps people get away from the downward spiral and onto a better path is necessary because the way things have been done by trying to beat the problem into submission isn't working.

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    The only false equivalency is coming from bird brains like you who keep dismissing the stupidity of this dumbass. The fuck does it matter what the amounts are, when he is willingly selling it and pissing away his scholarship.? I don't give a shit what he puts in his body, I just think he is a fucking retard. Kind of like your seeing my criticism of him as racist.


    He had an opportunity that thousands of his peers would kill for, and decides to piss it away in the most stereotypical fashion.


    I'll say it again, throw the book at his dumbass, hard headed mofos like this never learn.


    You're just as retarded as he is.18150b72b7f9268eeeea2d85c8ca7e10.jpg



    Im not dismissing anything. He made a mistake doing what he did under the present system. However, the present system is broken and hell bent on sending anyone to prison involving drugs. I'm not saying he needs to be exonerated for this because it was illegal by letter of the law. What I am saying is that the system itself needs to be re-worked and shit like this needs to not turn into years of incarceration which leads to massive recidivism because people cant find gainful employment once they get out so they have to turn to a life on the streets. Instead, getting the individual into programs to get away from this kind of shit would be far better for them and society. Furthermore, if/when marijuana gets legalized nationwide, no one will have to buy it from dealers on the street and it can be controlled and ensured to be free from additives that are far more dangerous, i.e. lacing. As for the individual in this instance, he made a choice about his future and it was his to make. He will lose his scholarship and unfortunately probably serve time in jail because of the broken system we have. You are free to be pissed off all you want, just be sure your anger isn't misplaced. Be pissed at his poor decisions, absolutely. but you better most assuredly be pissed at the system set up to imprison people first. And for damned sure don't make this out to be like he's some kind of murderer or rapist.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, Brothahorn said:

    No weed and Xanax are not pretty tame. This isn't a speeding ticket or PI. Regardless of your personal feelings it's still illegal. He's a D1 scholarship athlete, the dumbfuck should know better. But apparently he would rather play into the stereotypes(guns and drugs) than take advantage of the opportunity. So fuck him, make an example out of his ass.


    And the fact that he would sell to someone he doesn't even know, proves he ain't much better than a gangbanger.


    You clearly don't have a firm grasp of the subject matter. No one here except you is pushing a false equivalency that marijuana and xanax are the same kind of issue as a traffic violation or public intoxication. What is being said is that marijuana and xanax aren't on the same level as drugs such as cocaine, heroine, or opium. More over, the amount in possession while higher than most states allow for personal use even if it's not legal in the state he was in doesn't change that it was marijuana and xanax. Then, the two substances must be examined individually. 3 oz. of marijuana isn't going to harm the person using it even if they smoked or ingested all of it in a single sitting. The amount of THC necessary to overdose cant be obtained in such a small quantity. Next, the xanax can be an issue if all of them are ingested at one time. So while the individual may have had intent to distribute the substances, as far as I'm aware it's his first offense. That doesn't mean he needs to be sent away to some overcrowded federal poundass prison for this. You clearly have an issue with other people using drugs despite the fact that it has absolutely zero to do with you. Individual agency to decide what they put in their own bodies is an individual right that the government has infringed upon for far too long.


    Also, your racism is showing there, guy.

    • Like 2
  6. So I work with a baylor alum that expects and thinks baylor deserves zero punishment for what they did in and throughout this entire shit storm. I have tried explaining to her in so many different ways that when an institution not only fails to properly protect the people they are charged with protecting but instead protects the predators that caused insidious harm to others on numerous occasions, there is absolutely zero remorse for that institution. But what's more, the institution was in control of the whole thing and actively worked to cover up what was happening. Their desire to win some games clearly clouded their judgement and they lost sight of what is actually important and I have nothing but contempt for them. Its disgusting and personally believe the university should be disbanded. But since that won't happen, at least they shouldn't be allowed to have intercollegiate sports teams for at least a decade. They can mothballing that toilet of a stadium or implode it. Either way, I dont care. Fuck them.

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  7. It sounds to me like having some RPOs in this game would work well against a defense that doesn't do well in the middle of the field and wants to stay put around the line of scrimmage and cover the deep ball. This would maximize the carnage of confusion for the linebackers that are having to make decisions about slanting down for the run or dropping back into coverage.

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