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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. OMG that stupid little dancing aggy kid is back. I hope Oregon shitpumps aggy
  2. Understood, maybe whomever is manning the nest can just shoot beanbags and make the person double over in pain, incapable of further whistling. or they could launch a business of rabid/hungry ferrets at them to gnaw their lips off making whistling impossible
  3. They need to add a couple of sniper’s nests to shoot the guy that whistles “The Eyes” and also the Vandy whistler if he makes a trip. edit- and shoot the guy who honks his bus horn
  4. Sun devils has two 13 U teams (they are Westlake/Dripping) I bet Wings, Canes, Senators will all have. Maybe not for summer ball (but all those teams already built) but for sure fall ball.
  5. Bad pitch by Oregon got perfect bounce for aggy. 2-2, welp now rbi double so 3-2 aggy. Bottom 1 two outs
  6. Holy shit. He crushed that fucking ball.
  7. 144 pitches is nuts. That is a fucking workload
  8. For all the people betting on Colorado to make playoffs or win Big 12. They should watch this clip by George Carlin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKN1Q5SjbeI
  9. I muted broadcast. Her voice is nails on chalkboard
  10. I don’t remember. They sell beer there. I think they coolers are allowed though. I would say no glass bottles etc. you can always say coolers are team stuff etc
  11. Can’t peg a game to one play but jeez. That was some shitty base running. Tee ball stuff
  12. One thing re the tents. Space is tight between the fields (think four fields backing up to one another) with pretty narrow walk ways. You may be ok but you may also find it’s too crowded. You may want to recon prior to schlepping the tents through parking lot
  13. Reese reminds me of Sha’Carri Richardson in terms of shit talking but then crying when people call her on BS. I have no issue if Reese wants to play the heel, don’t whine when people boo you and call you out on your BS.
  14. Have them keep their heads on a swivel. Foul balls come flying at fans fast and furious as the fields are right on top of each other. We all call this place "Field of Nightmares". Very little cover or shade so I would encourage umbrellas or big straw hats as they will bake. There also jack shit out there in terms of places to eat unless you drive 20 off minutes back towards DS.
  15. The worst is when they put her ass on college football games. Brutal.
  16. I would be shocked if Texas Rowing factored into this decision. Congrats to them for winning national championship but it has to be very low in the things CDC would worry about in terms of baseball coach timing. WCWS is on ESPN and covered heavily so I am hopeful he is waiting for this to play out and then makes his move to fire DP, may take a couple of weeks to announce new coach but that is ok.
  17. Bummer at least UF had some decent looking players. OU is collection of Buzz’s girlfriend
  18. Well shoot, she has figured out her opening pitches. Getting ahead now of every batter.
  19. Every 1st pitch for the Stanford pitcher is low and inside on right handed hitters. Crowd box and get walk.
  20. jesus, has that girl for OU never got on base before? Acted like it was her first time. Like one of those feel good videos when the kids with severe special needs gets to score a TD or make a free throw. Just bush league shit
  21. True, I was talking next year but he has been boat raced in early season games vs SEC teams. Partly because he seems to have no clue what he has in his roster and uses early games to “throw spaghetti against the wall”
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