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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. There’s your Big 12 POTY!!! That ball left in a hurry! Break the GL curse
  2. 7 hits to 1. Globelife hates the Horns
  3. Not a recommendation but more a "WTF" Why does Netflix think that J Lo is the right person to play some super smart data analyst that turns into a mecha fighting expert in some dystopian future? Has to be the least convincing casting since Cruise played "Jack Reacher"
  4. Sorry to hear that for your boy. Sucks. Hope he gets great recovery and adds 5mph due to bionic arm post surgery
  5. Hope no fans get hurt in that scrum for the home run
  6. What the everloving fuck??? They watering the grass at GL Field?? Jeez. At this rate I will just finish Pacers/Celtics. Maybe the baseball game will start by then
  7. It gives him three months to get used to living on surface of the sun before season starts. That dude is in for one hell of a weather adjustment
  8. Texas a&m isn’t a rival. Texas has a ~75% win rate vs them. OU is a rival. Just because aggy builds this game up and centers their lives around beating UT or doing “Horns down” at random times when they aren’t even playing Texas by no means forces Texas to go along with the charade of being rivals. aggy is and has always been a little brother type annoyance
  9. That age there was a lot at blackstar (kyle i think) or Dripping Springs @ Field of Dreams. Some up in Georgetown or Manor as well. There will be your choices of venues as there will be a couple of places running. I would stay like at Hill Country Hyatt to get kids waterpark vibe and then just deal with bit longer drive. Doesn’t really get you “Austin” in terms of destination but kids will have fun.
  10. Alright. 14U team went 4-0 on weekend and won tournament. Headed to Houston memorial day weekend for tournament as final outing for the Spring. Looking forward to seeing how team stacks up vs HTown kids. Wish Astros were in town as we are staying at Marriott Marquis. Once more into the breach.
  11. Have a series there Jalin!! Holy cow. Back to back walkoffs. Crazy. Just ripping Kansas’ guts out.
  12. National Championship game is in 2025
  13. See WNBA game promos during NBA playoffs as example of this
  14. UN just revised civilian death figures down 50% as prior numbers which had been supplied by the Gaza Health Ministry were incorrect. https://www.cfr.org/blog/un-halves-its-estimate-women-and-children-killed-gaza
  15. That umpire didn’t call an inside pitch that a Texas P a strike all game. Pretty shitty zone
  16. Way to go Gaspo!!! Shit then O’Dud even got a base hit. Team is feeling it
  17. Agree with this. This is weird zag and one that I am totally meh on.
  18. Jeez. At this point Pierce is just fucking with fans
  19. For some reason this clip from “Generation Kill” comes to mind. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hX3Dm0kG7uY
  20. That video is great. Especially the roster names. My son’s team off this weekend but it works out as he will be playing with me in my baseball game tomorrow. Love when it works out where we can play together.
  21. With Pierce as pitching coach? Hah. This kid will inadvertently kill a batter and go into a state of depression quitting team unless Texas gets a real pitching coach (and hopefully new HC) in.
  22. 100%. She was by far the funniest person. Just destroyed everyone. Holy cow.
  23. Someone needs to go tell the “Bert Kreischer” wannabe seated by LF to put a shirt on. Looks like a total douchebag
  24. Better, he turns his head when the ball is in the air. He will get that coached out of him.
  25. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0&pp=ygULaXQncyBmcmlkYXk%3D
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