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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Figured I would offer some reviews of various lifting/fitness apps here in case folks are looking at some to use: SmartGym: Offers ability to customize based on your equipment but does not offer pre-set changes (example having home gym static and then just updating hotel gym on road) Lots of pre built routines and also allows you to customize routines. Poor animations for workout examples (maybe poor is strong word, just animated vs videos). Different settings in terms of doing more endurance based (lighter weight, more reps) vs Strength gain (heavy weight fewer) as well as a couple of others. This is one that I started out with and it is good from stand point of a sizeable workout library, routines based on other activities (cycling/running etc). If this is app you choose you won't be unhappy, I just like mixing them up so I don't get bored of them. Syncs to Apple Health/Watch. Hevy: This one requires most up front set up in terms of routines/weights. It has some prebuilt routine types (push/pull/legs or 5x5 eg (along with several others)) but doesn't do any weight or rep seeding so you have to do some manual entry of your weights/reps (and there isn't a way to auto populate the rest of the sets once you enter it in once - so you end up having to key in several rounds of same stuff). I just started using this one this week and by and large I like it but it is the most rudimentary that I have seen. No animations/videos of workouts, just static step 1, step 2 drawings. I do like it so far and will be curious to see over time if it recommends additional weight/reps once I have gone through a couple of iterations of routines. Syncs to AH/Watch FitBod: This is probably the easiest one to use out of the box and has the most complete and best video library of exercises from multiple angles. One complaint I have is that sometimes the number of reps/weights aren't congruent with settings I have put in or prior work. So I find myself having to go back and increase weight or decrease reps as it seems to go off rails one way or other. All in all though I like this app as I can set my home gym and then add a setting for hotels I frequent on road and not have to mess with constantly changing/updating equipment. If you were starting to lift fresh I would start here as it is most intuitive/easy to get going. Syncs to AH/Watch. I have some others that I have used in past: SmartWOD is a Crossfit centric one that you can put what equipment you have and it will build a WOD for you. If you hate CF you will hate this app as it is a CF app. I liked it, I just am steering away from some of the Olympic lift/jerking movements that CF can do as I am in my 50s and don't want to get hurt. SweatDeck - is a Deck of Cards workout generator. Pretty basic but good if you are on road and want to workout outside, you can set different workouts by suit and then go through the Deck of Cards workout. Has decent library of exercises and you can also customize and add your own SworkIt - This is mostly for me when I used it a bodyweight/HIIT I am taking the day off from lifting and just want to move my body type deal. Pretty good library of stuff and fairly low impact. They have lots of stretching/yoga type options as well. One thing to call out if you are on road and in hotel that offers Netflix is that Nike Training has a ton of free classes on Netflix that aren't bad and you can knock out a workout that way (some folks like more instructor lead stuff) Hope this is helpful. Now hit the gym
  2. I didn’t think Ketch was a baseball fan.
  3. More like developmentally challenged cousin. The weird one that bed wets into their teens.
  4. Alright JWhitt!!!!
  5. This changes nothing for Oracle as next to no one moved to Austin from Redwood Shores (Oracle’s old HQ). (Beyond perhaps a small handful). Certainly no senior execs did. Nashville has been in the works for several years and Covid delayed it significantly. They already had all the incentives from the state of TN for the office buildout along banks of Cumberland river close to where the Titans play. No clue why Ellison made this announcement as it does nothing and means nothing. He lives in Hawaii and the CEO for Oracle (Katz) lives in Florida.
  6. Hi Gaspo. If ball is at your neck it’s too fucking high. You are a giraffe
  7. Shaw is a super tall lefty that throws like a super short righty. Crazy to me.
  8. Got home, turned on game saw OU solo shot and switched it to the draft.
  9. Alright. Colts got a steal
  10. Hah. Bo Nic blows. NFL GMs are on crack.
  11. Crazy 10 picks and no defensive players taken.
  12. Don’t ever change Falcons. Jeez.
  13. He may be a great kid but JJ Mcarthy has a “Joc Pederson” level punchable face
  14. Looks like while at UW DeBoer knew about rape allegations against Tybo Rogers (He was allowed to play in both the semi final and national championship game) https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/law-justice/police-suggest-uw-athletics-staff-knew-about-discussed-tybo-rogers-rape-allegation/ Be interesting as this case continues to see if DeBoer has to testify what he knew/when etc
  15. “Severe Clear”. Documentary by Marine Lt. during Operation Iraqi Freedom
  16. My 17 year old will be lifeguard this summer. Website showed you could 15 years old to apply as well. (I saw where OP kid not looking at lifeguarding but others might) Need CPR certification and then they go through like 4 days (two weekends for him) of a combination of pool work and classroom study. They make $21/hr or so, so all in all a good gig
  17. Maybe team will do better tonight without DP’s dumb ass in the dugout
  18. Son's 14U team went 3-0-1 in Franklin this weekend (was weird two games Saturday and two games Sunday format vs true tournament). The tie came during a game Saturday that was called due to rain. Long weekend but good time and team played well overall. Just missing a really good defensive outfielder. Team has some good athletes out there but none really are experienced at position.
  19. I knew I recognized this TCU pitcher from somewhere
  20. I guess “I mean who the fuck would want these guys????” Is one way of managing the portal
  21. Welp Pierce had squad ready to go tonight. Jeez.
  22. WTF is gasparino doing leaning back towards 1B on that??? At least be headed right direction. May have still been double but fuck he is 6’6”.
  23. He also stabbed at ball vs making a play. Dee made a LL effort there
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