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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. CDC should put a couple of these in Pierce’s termination package as part of a “GTFO” gift box
  2. Add in historically high strike out rates for batters under Pierce as well. No clue what they work on in practice in terms of hitting, batting approach. See guys that are 3-1 swinging at balls bouncing in dirt rather than take walk, see guys 0-2 watch ball just go right down the middle for called S3, team is just dumb at plate. He has lost this team and to limp into SEC with his ass is not an option. Texas doesn’t want to show up year 1 in SEC and just get face raped in baseball.
  3. I am so glad I had a customer dinner last night and missed this shitshow. What a joke. TXSt wins season series, UTRGV wins for first time in generation etc etc etc. I am not sure what Pierce said in his post game mtg a couple weeks ago but it didn’t work. Nice thing about missing post season it will make it that much easier to fire this clown.
  4. So Pierce’s plan is to blow the arm out of the best batter Texas has (as well as a good defensive player). I get he had good HS pitching stats but that was two years ago Just seems like a lot more downside than upside to this move
  5. Boys came in 3rd (of 37 teams) in NIT tournament out in Burnet this weekend. Went 4-1 on weekend with a hell of a comeback against a super fucking annoying team that screamed non stop from dugout while our pitcher was going through release. Just ran out of arms and team they faced in semis had a really good, big lefty pitcher. Kid was like 6’3” and was good. Happy for boys and was good to see them put together a good run on Sunday.
  6. Any of y’all going to Franklin next weekend?? 14U tournament?
  7. Crazy inning for sure. Glad to beat Coogs, still think DP sucks as HC.
  8. Couple of nice solo shots to take the lead. Houston just got the lead batter on due to error on Dee
  9. If only we had someone focused on coaching the pitchers.......Oh wait a minute, we do. It's the stupid HC.
  10. Just shitty play & coaching. Texas is going to get prison raped next season if they let Pierce keep on keeping on.
  11. Lack O'Dowd doing his job at DH. Jeez
  12. Hopefully a loss here tonight leads to Pierce being kicked to curb and left to wander the streets of Houston late at night. Maybe even by the rough and tumble neighborhood by Reckling 🙂
  13. Galvan loves watching fastballs down the middle with two strikes more than anyone I have seen.
  14. Houston trying to get the win tonight. Mortgaging game tomorrow.
  15. Good job by Gaspo to rip that out of park. Houston pitcher just blew his arm out after kicking Texas' ass all night.
  16. It just baffles me at this stage in season that there are no other players worth giving a shot at DH than O'Dowd. Just crazy.
  17. This new Xray machine is a total shitshow. It is so much slower than the old way. Austin 100% is one of the shittiest airports in US in terms of getting through security. Just a joke
  18. Hasn’t happened since Cal Poly series.
  19. One of the things I have heard is that Pierce is a raging dick to play for/work with. That shit may work if you are winning and people can go "It is worth dealing with asshole HC because I am getting better/team is winning etc". Once you start losing the wheels quickly come off. Love reading he had a post game meeting last night. The Tuesday night loss to fucking Corpus Christi wasn't cause for alarm? Getting beat by BYU just passed him by but the TX State loss was the bridge too far for Pierce?? WTF? CDC can't fall for the sunk cost fallacy with DP. DP is not the coach to head into the SEC with. Fire his ass and bring in someone that can energize the team and fan base. If you think this season has been shitty, ride this clown car into the SEC next year and just watch Texas fall to all time lows in terms of series wins/execution. Fire this shitty HC, It has been 8 years and team is regressing and getting worse as season progresses. Compare to Softball which is ascending, women's BBall same. It is a coaching problem.
  20. That was foul. These refs are really ass.
  21. So this will be third straight win at Austin for the TX State coach? Jeez.
  22. This home plate umpire has a bad case of “Angel Hernandez” syndrome.
  23. Some of the camera angles are not enjoyable. Not sure I need to be looking up characters’ noses that close and at a weird angle. My wife (no pics) tapped out after first episode, i am going to stick with it but it is slow going.
  24. Texas has the legacy of the white safety here to show its commitment to diversity in the secondary.
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