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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Took a group of boys to game Saturday, was a blast. Horns really showed up this weekend. Picked up some Yeti cups (which look great) and I love the full bar feature at the game now.

    (don't remember this being an option last year)

    Was nice seeing Horns dominate across the board, even if it was against an unmotivated SEC team. 🙂

    (love how that is common theme every time Texas whips on SEC teams)

  2. 3 hours ago, TenaciousTgarden said:

    Planning to take my sports/longhorns-obsessed 5 yr old to a game this weekend (and probably several this season).  Do they still do the "kids run the bases" thing on Sundays after the game?  Do you have to be a Kids Club member to do that? Any other tips for taking a little kid? Been a couple years since we last went and can't wait to share it with him now that he actually gets it (and is playing t-ball).

    Last year Sunday's were run around the bases/play in the outfield post game. Also after every game players sign autographs down by first base line stands at the end of the game. You do not have to be a kid's club member to do it. So bring a ball and a sharpie.

    Dress in layers for the early season games as it is ~10 degrees colder in stands and windy as shit in the earlier games.

  3. I am excited. WHLL has a round robin tournament starting the 25th to kick off the season and I am actually in town for once. I will be able to see some games whereas typically I miss any weekday ones.

    LL games start soon!


  4. Why anyone would ever believe anything cops say anymore is just beyond me.

    They are trained to lie and cover their ass.

    If lawsuits come out of this, cops don't care, they don't pay for it. Houston taxpayers do.

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