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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Ace did yeoman’s work this year but he should not be the primary starter. Love him as a Tuesday night or maybe Sunday afternoon or even a solid middle relief/change of pace.
  2. Last thing i want is a bunch of GA fucktards and/or Eurotrash going through my shit. I am telling anyone I know coming in via air that they are better off flying home Tuesday vs dealing with ABIA shitshow on Monday
  3. That guy should have just walked off and left her ass there. That is ridiculously crazy shit.
  4. That kid obviously dressed provocatively and lured this innocent pastor to sin through the years. That child will burn in hell for what they’ve done.
  5. Hillary thought she was a shoe in and the chosen one. Ran a lazy campaign and didn’t listen to her advisors telling her about Wisconsin etc Her loss is 100% on her. She was never convinced Trump was a real threat.
  6. Aggy logic always reads like some incel manifesto. They are like if Stuart Smalley had brain damage & developmental issues.
  7. I think Newsom would get smoked this fall. CA guy with minimal national exposure that will be portrayed as career politician/hollywood shill. Also for him to displace Harris would be huge slap in face to people of color and women. This would be huge misstep if he were to be put forth. I would do Whitmer this fall (If Harris weren’t choice) as at least she won in a swing state.
  8. What I cant figure out is who outside of Ellen was demanding a Netflix special from her?
  9. This could be a hell of a Surly tailgate. I am in for this trip.
  10. I love me some Yolandi Visser. Hot little freak.
  11. I wish someone would just do a blended swing state poll. That’s all that matters. CA isn’t switching for Trump and TX isn’t going to Biden. National polls i am worried are going to lull people to sleep
  12. I look forward to the aggy boycott. God that is so good.
  13. Orakpo jr will be at LT this fall i believe. 2028.
  14. They are going to make D-1 babies.
  15. This kind of tweet is the GM trying to write some fan fiction. Not saying Astros aren’t in market/having conversations but a list of 10 people being “talked to” is silly.
  16. The cop made it home safe that night right? That’s all the matters.
  17. Didn’t someone die associated with the program from racing/speeding etc already? Sounds like whatever coaching the GA staff did around this didn’t stick.
  18. Would be interesting to see inverse impact on NFL draft from these 4/5 star recruits. Also immediate impact vs time to develop. May end up being high risk/reward scenario vs a 3 star operating in a more consistent range of outcomes
  19. Women (90% of time this happens it is a woman) who get to check in point to board airplane and then spend what seems to be 30mins digging through their hobo fucking bag to find their boarding pass. edit -pisses me off when men (usually older dudes) have to dig through the their wallet stocked full of receipts for leaf blowers from sears or a half off coffee coupon to dunkies.
  20. Best clear/tsa pre experience at ABIA I have had in months. Finally wasn’t a line 200 deep. Hopefully this trend continues.
  21. Until settlement monies are paid from pension funds nothing will ever change. Hit cops where it hurts if you want systemic change to occur. Otherwise don’t be shocked when a zero accountability model doesn’t hold cops accountable.
  22. If i am owner of NBA team I am not thrilled old/injury prone players like: Embiid, Davis, Lebron, KD & Leonard are doing this.
  23. Am 30 mins into “Ice Chips” and it had been an absolute fucking beating. Watching Sugar and JLC do “hee hee hee” over and fucking over has been awful. Why did the show runners/directors think anyone would want to watch this shit? Holding out prayer last 9 mins finish strong but since baby hasn’t even made an appearance I somehow doubt it. Who is the next backstory? We going to get the chainsmoking sandwich window guy? A UPS delivery person? One of the waiters? Just beating.
  24. Don’t forget the bullpen videos he posts showing him fighting to get back.
  25. That would be the funniest thing ever. Too bad their academic profile doesn’t quite align with BIG10. Would love to see this though. The more fan bases that can he exposed to these fucktards the better.
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