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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Best was stadium DJ played the “Mission Impossible” theme intro during O’Dowd’s AB. Was pretty funny.
  2. Finally won an inning. LFG. Belyeau check swing with full count was something though.
  3. Gasparino has been one of best hitters for the entire season. How the fuck is he batting after O’Dowd?
  4. I guess hitting two batters and walking the bases loaded is all Pierce needs to see? If you leave Howard in you are completely giving up this game. of course bullpen no better.
  5. So Washington pitcher has thrown 15 pitches through 2 innings. Howard has thrown 43. Brutal
  6. This. His fastball is right across the plate and the umpire isn’t calling anything low at all. Give Wash hitters credit they aren’t chasing Howard’s low pitches either.
  7. Howard does not have it today. Walks and getting rocked on each hit. Throwing lots of balls and the umpire not calling any of his offspeed/curve as strikes. Howard rattles already
  8. I think if you are moving intra-city a buyers agent adds little to no value. Now if only Congress could fix the bullshit title/paperwork process real estate could be made simpler for average person.
  9. My only complaint is it calls out nudity as on tap and the only nudity is the crazy old Duke with a baby arm. All in all definitely an enjoyable series, absolutely set up for a second season and if you like Ritchie’s stuff you will dig the show.
  10. “Buoyancy” About a 14yo old Cambodian boy who loves away from home and gets tricked into forced slavery on a Thai fishing boat. Decent flick overall with some intense scenes. I watched it on plane with subtitles so can’t comment on overall audio quality etc
  11. “To Kill A Tiger”. Hindi language documentary about a gang rape of a 13 yo girl and how she and her father fought to have rapists prosecuted in spite of tremendous pressure by the villagers in small rural town they live in. Tough watch.
  12. I love watching Rodgers’ bitch ass just continue to go off the rails. Was a pouty baby at Cal and has only grown to be more so in the NFL. Jets were nuts to throw $ at him as there’s no way he is busting his ass to come back this fall.
  13. I cannot wait until all these fuckers are replaced with robots/lasers/AI. Add zero value and needlessly inject themselves into the games.
  14. Hah. You hit the worst batter on the team dumbass.
  15. That Maidenform ad was directed by Vic
  16. There you go DP. 106 pitches with a HR, Dbl & walk this inning is time to rest LBJ. Long season ahead.
  17. Eat it bitches!!! These HRs are going out so hot the Tech OF doesn’t even move. Love it.
  18. That was a great 2 out at bat to put up some major insurance. Now play some defense and beat these bitches.
  19. They don’t even try to pretend they’re not a shake down racket anymore. Just a joke.
  20. Fan fucking tastic. Can walk there from my house. Grab a bottle and then some coffee from Milk & Cookies while getting credit for walking dog. Win/Win
  21. Starship Troopers (read the books as a kid, movie so schlocky, dumb and over the top it is greatness)
  22. I will say aggy 3B #9 is a little baby. Barely got HBP and flung all of his stuff off at plate in pouty little shit dance. The dude had an 0-2 count at the time, he should have been celebrating instead of bitching about that little feather duster of a hit. Fucktard.
  23. The whole thing with O'Dowd that baffles me as well as you have both a fielding (O'Dowd listed at 6'2" which just from looking at him seems to be a little roster optimization) liability as he cannot make all the plays @ 1B and a batting liability. Shit why not put Gasparino there if we are just making up roster moves. On Tuesday Gasaparino was DH and batting last. Just crazy roster management across the board. This whole team so far this year has seemed to be one big experiment that isn't working. i get it is pre-conference and a long season but I just don't see Pierce's vision for what the best 8 (not counting pitcher) lineup in the field will be.
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