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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Not good passing looks. Jeez. Washington just batting balls down.
  2. Just had big bowl of “Hopping Johns” to bring some blackeyed pea good luck to the game. LFG!!!!
  3. My leg would have snapped off if it was bent like that Bama receivers
  4. Great drive by the cheating Harbaughs. Really good answer to Bama’s short field score.
  5. Bama should just run ball rest of game until Michigan can stop them. That’ll help make this game end on time
  6. Watching ESPN 2 and they are fluffing Washington as seemingly being unstoppable on offense. Roddy Jones (i think) just all up Washington’s ass.
  7. “Saltburn”. It was ok, not a rewatch but a pretty good movie. Imagine if “Talented Mr. Ripley” and “Parasite” had a baby.
  8. I can only speak for myself in that I have “Middle East Fatigue”. I am in my 50s and for as long as I can remember there has been shit going on with Israel and Palestine. No resolution ever sticks, no accord ever works, noise ramps up every US Presidential Election year etc etc. It never fucking stops and I just don’t see where either side really wants a peaceful resolution or maybe in the past 50 fucking years there would be one. Willing to bet when my grandkids (whenever one comes around) are my age it’ll still be the same shit.
  9. The UX changes to Prime both via their streaming site and the Kindle store are awful. The rebranding of Max from the HBO/Max also awful. Needlessly complicated and annoying to use.
  10. Drive safe all and enjoy!! Take over NO and let them know Texas is there!!!
  11. At least ISU has great culture to fall back on. That will take sting out of this ass whipping for sure.
  12. Hah. OU going to be only Big12 team to lose a conf game so far at this rate. Suck it Sooners.
  13. All so some dipshit 17 yo probably streaming himself while he and buddy were fucking around racing in his truck could get somewhere a little faster. Hope that kid goes to jail for a long ass time.
  14. Because Chase Daniel was a mouthy shitbag.
  15. When they say “mobility” do they mean like a mobility scooter? Is that historically accurate?
  16. Doesn’t do it justice but here is.
  17. Got a cool Longhorn decanter. Longhorn bar towel New barware set Longhorn lounge pants All in all a good haul
  18. I am glad to be out of the having to put toys together business. My youngest is 14 so Santa not a thing at the house anymore. Hope it all worked out for you and that the kids don’t come out to you slumped over a bike frame with an allen wrench in one hand and bottle of Bourbon in the other.
  19. I can only speak for myself in saying 1) I love this site. (and most of the assholes that populate it). While I have met very few of you in person (why spoil the mystery) over the years, I truly enjoy the discussion/commentary etc from this place. 2) Original written content (a la the stuff Scipio did back in day or old school Jesus Shuttlesworth stuff) isn't as appealing for me vs the aggregation (to be fair I am not running site/managing site expenses etc). I like fact that this place is in a lot of ways a single source for Longhorn shit across the internet. I actually value the independence that Surly has vs trying to be a sunshine pumper or being beholden to Belmont for access etc (exception being Thujone needs to get off his ass as MS Paint threads are always gold) 3) Shaggy cloak room skewed right, Surly cloak room skews left, Mods do a good job by and large keeping politics off other boards. I am sure that the cloak room threads have pushed some folks away but at the end of the day I cannot imagine it is a different number than in years past. Key to CR is to keep it in CR (see TexAgs as an example of when you don't) 4) This place is at its best when threads start organically vs being forced (1st Sexual Encounter thread in MS Paint as an example). Maybe there could be a better way to pin or highlight fast moving threads for exposure. This could serve to encourage views. Maybe have a hot thread folder where top threads for week appear etc. All in all this is a good site and a good community of assholes. If a fan from another program gets their feelings hurt because they made some stupid "herp a derp" take, good. Fuck 'em. There have been tons of fans from other schools over the years that have made this place a home and added value/contributed. This is hard part of providing a B2C service, 100s of different opinions/likes/dislikes etc. It is why I have always done B2B Sales.
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