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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Am I the only one walking around their house spontaneously saying "Let's Fucking Go" and throwing up the Horns?? I am so pumped. Just feels great to be relevant, competitive and fun to watch again. Just such a good feeling.
  2. Let’s see how game goes vs Washington when two of the best players for Texas on offense aren’t sitting out. Rematch baby
  3. LFG!!’ Playoffs baby. Booked hotel for Houston. Can’t make NO unfortunately so need Horns to take care of business.
  4. Rewatching game this morning and to see OSU go from hyped/fired up to Gordon’s temper tantrum to basically giving up as game progresses has just been great.
  5. That HC for Louisville sounded like the old “Micro Machines” spokesman at the end of that sideline interview
  6. Ballgame. It will be great if coming into SEC if Texas keeps the SEC from making CFP for first time.
  7. Damn. You can tell GA has played no one this year. Getting hit in mouth and they’ve no response.
  8. I will give that mcconkey (too indifferent to look up proper spelling if that’s wrong) WR is toughing out an obvious injury. Not sure what horse medicine the Georgia training staff gave him at the half but that dude is gutsy.
  9. This was the “chef’s kiss” of his idiocy. Great topper to the whole Big 12 experience from the commissioner’s office
  10. Lot of hate for that dude so I tried to imagine one of the worst things possible.
  11. The boos for Yormark were incredible. I picture him whipping his yappy underling later tonight while pegging himself with a picture of Joey Mcguire.
  12. Team as home team had option. They voted to wear whites.
  13. Great drive, run and score!! Now hold and score again!!!
  14. The conversion rate has been high but definitely at a higher degree of difficulty.
  15. Is the 3rd down to go avg distance for Texas today like 8.5?
  16. Now get 21 more and just stomp this shitty conference into the deepest pit of pain.
  17. Great run. Wow!!! That was awesome. Keep pouring it on
  18. Hey guys i called an aggressive, innovaty1H, now we have a lead and I’d like to go three yards and cloud of dust. Sound good??? Jeez
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