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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Peaks and valleys with D. Unsportsmanlike earlier and then a dumb PI. I don’t know how catchable ball was but you can’t just faceguard the dude
  2. Mar sucks but he’s not making two different dipshit OL false start
  3. If they give Tech the INt when the DB had one arm under Worthy’s body that is utter horseshit
  4. Alright!! Tech QB forgot he wasn’t in his backyard
  5. Nebraska and Iowa are two really shitty offenses. I mean really shitty.
  6. The Lexus commercial where the dad, kids and grandma get picked up at airport by mom and dad and son are in the third seat while some 11 yo girl is in passenger seat and grandma/other daughter in second row. No way in a million years is my ass crawling into 3rd row seat so my kid can sit in front.
  7. Could have been worse, Beth Mowins isn't on the call. This is what her voice always reminds me of
  8. Show us on the doll where the Longhorn hurt you.
  9. I think all in with foundation piece for low level (DDA seats) they were ~4k for my group of 4.
  10. Purdue has some big dudes but man do they bitch after every foul called.
  11. That was a great, well laid out response to the question re: culture.
  12. They will run as many permutations as it takes to somehow knock Texas out of title game appearance.
  13. It’s OU. He could have killed a day care full of kids live on television and he’d be playing “pending investigation”
  14. You mean aggy picked a date that framed a narrative that provided skewed results favoring a “pro aggy” narrative. I am shocked. Next you’ll try and tell me they manipulate internet polls.
  15. Hah. Fuck you bitter little shithead. In no way, shape or form is it good Texas to keep playing this game. Also it’s not a rivalry. A rivalry should imply a degree of closeness in overall record or program. This game does nothing for Texas and after all the shit the pissant HC for Tech said I hope we never play Tech again. For Friday team needs to prep for Tech going for it on 4th down a lot, onside kicks, fake punts, Pop passes etc
  16. The tweets from the players to that dipshit ISU OL have been great. Just a “chef’s kiss” to the post game warm glow. Enjoy obscurity you fucks.
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