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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Way to rally past the bullshit!! Solid win baby. 10-1
  2. Had to get points there. Good job Sideshow
  3. Maybe have a defender watching out for that
  4. Awesome!!! Great play to some unheralded dudes in Helm & Whittington
  5. What a shock. Another bullshit call. ISU guy leaned into Texas defender.
  6. Good. Got it closer than what they fucking had.
  7. Bobbling pass on that catch. Spot should be like 5 yds back.
  8. Getting like 7yds a carry yet keep going 5 wide. Settle down Sark and call a smart game.
  9. Watched “Gimme Danger” last night, documentary about band “The Stooges”. really good, deep dive into their history.
  10. When I’m sitting in First Class and the poors walking towards back of plane put their hands on my headrest to steady their fat asses as they waddle towards their seats
  11. https://www.ebbets.com/collections/university-of-texas Cool UT baseball jersey.
  12. If I’m him i come out and trust combine/pro day. there are some shitty, shitty nfl QBs out there right now.
  13. Texas “blowing up” an SWC Arkansas had already left?? Ok Texas “blowing up” Big 12 as we are told repeatedly by commissioner how unimportant we are in? Ok (after aggy, Colorado, Mizzou and Nebraska all had already left??) This Texas is a big, bad meanie trope is so fucking tired and lazy. Hate Texas because we are smug, insufferable SOBs who think your shitty state and school aren’t worth ever fucking thinking about, but enough with the “Texas hurt some fucking conference” schtick. ISU and the rest of the ungrateful schools that comprise(d) the Big 12 can all fuck themselves in the goat ass.
  14. Just got call yesterday re renewal of season tix so it is open. Got my renewal in. LFG!!!
  15. Same for me. Liked fact that it was just four episodes. Quick watch over couple of days. Not anything I feel urge to watch again but it was a good, enjoyable watch.
  16. Nice thing with this team having played Bama and TCU at night that the whole “later in day/amped crowd” deal shouldn’t be an issue. There have been some years where it seems Texas has gone into a road night game and been a little taken aback.
  17. I guess to me as a fan/viewer it just has seemed like for past three years that Texas plays super soft in secondary and has slow safeties that get beat. I think it’s wild that PK didn’t hire BG and I wonder if they’re just not connected/aligned.
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