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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Yep. Maybe write a piece about how welcoming the Sooners made you feel at the Cotton Bowl to top it off.
  2. Oh doncha know. They’re hearing moose steps.
  3. That was huge DP by Pena there. I’m texting with some Twins fans at the game and that play really took wind out of their sails. Both teams leaving a shit load of guys on base.
  4. That’s a Big 12 referee call right there for the walk. Jeez.
  5. LFG Stros!!! Left some ducks on the pond that last inning but way to get Twins into their pen.
  6. That’s why I don’t let my kid play catcher.
  7. I fly quite a bit (Global Services on United eg). The people who crowd the boarding gate that are in group 9 need to get the fuck out of the way. Edit- just saw the comment re GS upthread. It’s real and it’s fabulous.
  8. Jesus. Players dropping left and right.
  9. Alright. Now settle down. Catalon lost there.
  10. LFG Boys!!! Operation Whoop Ass commencing
  11. Man did Austin High snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Lost to Johnson 20-19. AHS missed a PAT, didn't go for 2 when they 100% should have, went for it on 4th down from around the Johnson 20 a couple of times, not getting it either time, etc etc Coaches 100% cost AHS the win here.
  12. Just got you to 1k funny says apple/google pay but I did it through that link processor
  13. Be careful what you wish for Twins. Crushed fan bases out front should have told you.
  14. And if the Charlie Strong Okie State game is any indication there are some refs that are pretty racist.
  15. I don’t see TX/OU being night game. That’d 100% lead to some serious shenanigans
  16. What’s crazy was my phone was on vibrate. Think it pinged my watch then went bananas. was weird
  17. Welp. Can’t wait for this stupid system to be abused. Holy cow that was loud and in a room of like 20 people with phones going off differently by carrier long.
  18. Funny to think that OU is only team that might have wrinkles still in playbook to be let out. For first time in a long time Texas is just better at pretty much every position. Provided Sanders plays I just don’t see OU stopping Texas’ offense. Even without Sanders it will be a stretch. Texas should be 6-0 coming out of this game.
  19. It’s hilarious to see one of the biggest MSAs in Houston give zero fucks about Coug High. Cracks me up.
  20. So good. Way to finish ‘Stros. Now win the whole damn thing.
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