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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BrazilHorn

  1. Think of how fast shit can get heated in a country the rough size of Illinois with 170M people vs 12.5M that Illinois has. It is like ~1100 people per sq km across country (illinois is ~87). The capital is ~4X more densely populated than NYC. Just a metric fuckton of people crammed into a small space so when shit gets borked it can get borked quick.
  2. All I know is Niblack is a cheat code in new NCAA game so I figure Sark will let him loose.
  3. Realized I left off the r but was too lazy to edit. You got me.
  4. After you manboobs comment about Sark you might in the equipment room during practice
  5. Took my 14 & 17 yo boys and they loved it. I will say of all of them the first would be hardest to take kids to due to the sex montage in beginning of movie. Really funny movie and while some set pieces dragged a bit all in all it was a lot of fun. I couldn’t get of how much the bald villainess looked like Rami Malek (could be spelling his name wrong).
  6. Show me where US swimmers have been busted repeatedly for doping then you can try and make this post. (It is as annoying to see some of the Russian swimmers coming in under different flag due to their doping) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/20/world/asia/chinese-swimmers-doping-olympics.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna164541 https://apnews.com/article/olympics-china-doping-wada-62ab2a4cceacc180f6ca7b1d0633fe01
  7. Watching Chinese swimmers is just so annoying. Have to assume the vast majority of them are on some type of drug that Chinese government worked 24x7 to beat testing standards.
  8. Did Richardson take a hit from a helium tank or does she always sound like that?
  9. Ancillary to Intel as they used to subsidize them for years in terms of Marketing $ offsets to use Intel exclusively but Dell will be announcing major layoffs soon as well.
  10. Assume you are going to say some kind of “Harry Potter” spell and tell me about your trip to Universal Studios
  11. Maybe the players can get a shirt that says “we rape students” and the AD, HC and admin can get some that say “we enable rapists”
  12. I thought it was really a cool thing that CB named even the walkon RB when talking about team bonding/how Choice coaches RB room. Good vibes
  13. Am irrationally happy as I just got a commit from a 5 star QB recruit.
  14. Totally this. Definitely a band that I dug in 80s/90s but cannot think of last time I ever wanted to hear one of their songs. Was weird when my kids were little to see they wrote/sang theme song to animated “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”
  15. Have seen this team at some tournaments and this is a 100% accurate representation of these parents and coaches
  16. We got our son a mazda cx-5: can’t go that fast can’t put a bunch of people in it be tough to have sex in it without some solid flexibility All in all great car for a kid
  17. I enjoyed this. (As did my 14 yo son). Crowe looks rough in this movie.
  18. I have zero interest in a second season. Not a single character i give a shit about. with that said: If they do one they need to have psychiatrist murdered by mother as secret of daughter killing DA comes out and Dr. threatens to report it.
  19. Fuck the pouty bitchass Dodgers. Just such a melodramatic bunch of twat waffles. Giant group of under performing choke artists.
  20. Follow the loveble losers of Austin High. Their lopsided losses can’t help but make anyone feel better. Also my son plays for them and is a good kid.
  21. I beat my 17yo who was talking similar shit. Heard a diatribe of “this controller is laggy” “i don’t know the coverages” blah blah blah
  22. Just got over this round. This was by far the worst one since I had OG Covid in June 2020. No fever but three solid days of aches/pains and super runny nose/sinus stuff. Sucked. Just in total brain fog for 4 days. This makes four times now I have had this (joys of lots of business travel) and this one was rough.
  23. No shit. Didn’t even notice that was him. I had same thought. It is their wedding day, why throw a bunch of shit at them like this?
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