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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. pick at the 2 dooms VT. your reward is getting mayo dumped on you, fleck.
  2. need to money whip VT's special teams this offseason
  3. like these announcers not taking this too seriously. the play by play guy disappearing off camera after eating the mayo ice cream bar had me rolling.
  4. Irony is completely dead.
  5. If I die of horrible death in the next couple days, we'll know why.
  6. Boars head stick cut on mandoline at 3 mm. Normally it do as well but it was a bit dry.
  7. Man banned after allegedly urinating on passenger during SFO flight https://www.sfgate.com/travel/article/man-banned-allegedly-urinated-passenger-sfo-flight-20012139.php
  8. you DO understand that federal REVENUES includes payroll taxes which those "50% pay 0%" people pay, right? apparently not or you wouldn't have posted dumb shit like "50% pay 0%" right after posting a graph of federal REVENUES.
  9. it's amazing to me that you can post this chart and then post the bolded text in the same day
  10. would you rather have cash in the trust fund that doesn't earn interest? it's far too late to go back in time to when reagan didn't bring rates back down* and keep it a program that pretty much always ran with a thin buffer. now we've had 40 years of the social security tax being locked in, when for the first 50 years it changed pretty often. and we've trained 3 generations that the social security tax rate doesn't change. at that time we also changed the tax code to vastly prefer the economy pay out in capital gains to wage income, leading to a reduction in the social security tax base. *leading to huge surpluses he used to mask the deficits he was intentionally running.
  11. arguing about who is the 13th best team
  12. Frat boy on the sidelines player getting run over by the refs didn't change this game. Don't blame him ESPN. UGA just isnt that great and neither is this QB.
  13. Also didn't call the holding on GA's line /shocked but not that shocked
  14. 3rd down spot was half a yard short
  15. They were both holding and looking for the ball quit crying
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