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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 2 hours ago, Celery Man said:


    Unless you are in rush hour traffic in a place like Austin. If I get passed on the right on 35 and we’re both going between 5 and 10 miles per hour, it’s not on me. I’d be going faster if I could, I would like to be passing all of these cars in the right, it is rush hour.


    and chances are you're going to pass that person a quarter mile on down the road anyway.  traffic would go even slower if everyone were changing lanes because the car effectively takes twice the space on the highway while changing lanes.  which is why weaves are bad (thanks txdot aggy!)

  2. elfenix's general guide to highway driving:

    1.  keep out of the leftmost lane if you're not passing someone and there is space in the right lane(s) to move into.

    2. if you're in a 4+ lane highway with exit/entrance ramps every mile or so (many urban freeways in texas), stay out of the rightmost lane unless entering/exiting because other people need to enter/exit and you're in their way.

    3. try not to pass anyone on the right, it's harder for them to see you coming so they're more likely to move into you.  that means giving left lane campers an opportunity to do the right thing and move over. 

  3. 1 hour ago, C-Man said:

    Yeah, that's what I was worried about. So that's a no-go on the planning? Need to do the whole cook Fri afternoon?

    i would say so.  i guess you could cook to temp on thursday and then use the sous vide to bring it to serving temp before searing, but that doesn't sound any better than just doing the whole cook on friday. 


    if you can't attend to it you might want to try the sous vide from ice water option.  then you could set up, leave, and start it over wifi in the afternoon.


    10 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Any favorite sous vide pork tenderloin recipes. There are a half-dozen or more in the Anova app. We are cooking a couple for my FIL's birthday party on Friday night. Need something that will pair well with Sammy's BBQ baked potato casserole, BBQ beans and we will probably have some sort of salad.

    Also, if I want to do the sous vide part on Thursday night -- any issue with doing that and then the actual searing off (or whatever to finish the cook) on Friday afternoon/evening?

    the sear isn't going to be enough to bring it back up to temp after refrigerating it overnight. 

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