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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 21 minutes ago, squanchy said:

    they did recently make some changes to how spam calls were treated, but that sure seems like a step backwards.

    are you running the latest (march) update?

    yup.  sometimes it takes a while to dial a contact as well. 

  2. my phone app has been doing weird shit on my pixel 2.  like, say i'm browsing shaggy surly and a spam call comes in.  i hit the ignore button and sometimes it doesn't ignore, just keeps ringing. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Lhorn said:

    I gotta pay for a new service just to watch this?  Explosion of providers making original content is great and all, but who can keep up?  

    all this a la carte is going to cost more than the cable bill i got rid of.

    guess i'll sub-binge-unsub a few providers.

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