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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. When I get my DSLR camera back from service and all my settings have been erased back to the lameass factory defaults. Finding all that stuff in the menu again is bullshit.
    When people type "D" in front of "SLR". It's 2018, we all know you're not talking about your K1000.
  2. Forgot that this race was just a week after the last one (would be nice if Google could figure out how to add sporting events in Now without spoilering), opened this thread, and saw a mention of Ricciardo winning. Got about halfway through watching thinking "how the fuck is he going to win this?"


    Driver of the day award goes to Red Bull's pit crew. Goat of the day goes to Toto Wolff, who was still sucking his own dick after playing Ferrari brilliantly earlier in the race.



  3. Yelling at clouds and get off my lawn, here... But I don't understand adults, especially married, using Snapchat.  

    Snapchat is a celebrity gossip/check out the latest Kardashian shit aggregator, so she's probably using it for that. Along with sending nudes to the guy she's fucking.


  4. 19 hours ago, uoftorange said:

    Wife's car has had a problem with the ignition coils on and off.  I replaced the first few and had a buddy clear the code, but it has a warranty so we started taking it in because it kept happening.  Today it happened again, and the last time they said they'd need to replace the head gasket if it reoccured.  Okay, fine, it's under warranty.  Led to this:

    Wife:  Can you call and figure out what I need to do?
    Me:  Yes, I did, I can come get it from you and drop it off and it will be done. Because it has to be there by 3
    Wife:  I'll drop it off, I can get there by then
    Me:  Okay, but you can't be late, they will not be able to check it in after because the warranty system doesn't let them

    3:45call comes in
    Wife: I just got here and they won't take it
    Me:  Well yeah, it's 3:45, it had to be there by 3
    Wife: Yeah, but 3:45 isn't that much later
    Me:  silence because I am trying to know better...
    Wife:  What should I do, I have a 9AM meeting I have to be at tomorrow
    Me (Internal):  I don't know, fucking be there on time or you could have let me do it for you like I asked
    Me (External):  Leave it tonight and they can check it in tomorrow, Uber in to work
    Her: But I don't want to do that, it costs money.  I'll just drive the car anyway
    Me:  Seriously?  You think it's a good idea to drive a car that keeps putting itself into limp mode?  And shouldn't you have thought about that before being late?  I don't know what you need from me here
    Her: Tone...

    wtf kind of warranty doesn't work after 3 pm? 

  5. 6 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    what are you looking to do with it?  really might just be worth it to get a dedicated cycling computer

    holding my phone more securely than a shorts pocket and more conveniently accessed than an arm band (which my phone outgrew anyway).  i'm using the phone for podcasts.

    i'm just tooling around houston on paved hike/bike paths getting in some exercise.  i've got no jerseys though maybe that's the best way to go. 

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