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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. On 4/25/2018 at 7:12 PM, Stoogey said:

    Thank you for correcting me. Didn't know we were married. My usual lunch is a Reuben sandwich with Thousand Island dressing (ketchup and mayonnaise) and a martini. It's a good thing you work at McDonald's or I would have went to my grave thinking Big Mac sauce had ketchup. Or maybe it's the booze talking.


    you're wrong on the internet, so you should expect to get corrected.  no need to get your panties in a bunch about it.  just accept that you're wrong and move on.



    7 minutes ago, DoobieWah said:

    Mom used to give us peanut butter and honey sandwiches back in the day. Is that gross or is it a "thing"?

    definitely delicious. especially with some banana. 

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  2. On 4/24/2018 at 6:13 PM, Assman said:

    I really hate when different sections of stadiums start at different levels or use different seating angles, creating those ugly walls on either side of the new SEZ as shown in the pic.  The Shoe has this same thing, among other stadiums, and it looks ugly af.  Why can't they just continue the lower bowl all the way around continuously? 

    i really hate ohio stadium's SEZ.  looks terrible. 



    that said, they can't mirror the NEZ and also have the new SEZ be mostly premium suites/lounges.  and there's the problem of the field house.

  3. 8 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    If you just barely nick one of the veins on the top of your hand, you will bleed like a stuck pig.  I barely scratched the top of my hand once when I was a kid on a broken window.  I had blood streaming down my fingers before I knew what happened.

    wrestling takes advantage of this - small cut on the forehead and blood is everywhere.  just have to hide a small blade somewhere. 

  4. 36 minutes ago, gsoda3 said:

    -  engineering -  i don't remember how this was worded, but basically they're transforming the way large infrastructure projects are being built. completing huge projects in unbelievably short time frames.  

    they probably do it all at once in one go, instead of spreading teams out and having them work on a little bit of something here and there. 


    what if all the highway contractors in texas worked on the gulf freeway all at once, instead of having one contractor do this bit of 45 while another does a project in austin, another in san antonio, another in dallas, etc.?  then, instead of 5 projects each taking 5 years, maybe you could do 5 projects each taking 1 year. 

  5. 23 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I don't think Korea was this way, but they may have gone straight from very primitive to very high tech, I'm not sure.  But I don't think Korean goods ever had a wide reputation as shoddy:  they went from virtually nonexistent to pretty good.


    LG used to build shit-tier microwaves.  remember goldstar?  that's them. hyundai and kia cars were shit up until about a decade ago when they made a conscious decision to improve quality (iirc top 3 in actual quality and top 5 in perceived quality). 


    But since most of this was before my time, I can't speak to it the way we generally can with China.  Is there any product from China, like a samurai sword, that is actually "better" than the rest of the world's similar products?  I can't think of any, Chinese lacquer, maybe?  Their military production is almost entirely copies of Sovbloc weaponry.  They don't seem to be able to build a warship, or certainly not a fleet of them. 

     they've been designing/building their own destroyers since the early/mid 90s (though did buy some russian boats when one of their own wasn't ready).  an aircraft carrier may not be within their capability, or it may be that they consider aircraft carriers obsolete or not currently necessary to their goals.  they've had native fighter designs for a couple decades now. 

  6. Last night I went straight from work to my son's track meet.  There wasn't a whole lot of parking, but there were some parallel spots (marked spots) available.  Slightly up the road in front of me there were 3 open parallel spots right in a row.  Guy in front of me is driving a dually and parks in the middle one.  Ends up consuming parts of the spot in front and back of him.  Then gets out and sprints to the meet.  Made me a little surly.
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