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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. With the strike over daily texan posters will have to go somewhere else to totally not talk about politics at all *Opens slorch's thread* Oh
  2. Tempted to reply to his spam begging texts that I'll give him $25 on condition he stay the fuck away from the longhorns
  3. There's a theory that there is only 1 electron and every electron is that same one bouncing from the beginning to the end of the universe, and positrons are just that same particle bouncing back from the end to the beginning. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-electron_universe#:~:text=The one-electron universe postulate,backwards and forwards in time.
  4. Too bad Grumman didn't get to pursue the Super Tomcat the way McD developed the Super Hornet. I went down that internet rabbit hole for about a week.
  5. Sometimes you gotta remind them who's the boss
  6. Had a client call and missed that shit show from our closers. Kinda glad I did or I would have broken my phone on half
  7. They fucking pulled an Enron on us: https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4896585-texas-gas-manipulation-lawsuit-uri/
  8. Probably the only way to knock Skubal out today
  9. elfenix


    whoever wrote this had to dig around for a 75 year old dictionary before they [ZOMG GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUN!] could find one with a dictionary they [ZOMG I DID IT AGAIN!] liked?
  10. 1 (but I'd give her putt's number), x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
  11. Someone has to advance human knowledge. Also much easier to sous vide and then crisp as needed in a skillet for lunch or dinner for 1 than cooking them all at once with limited grill access, with no raw chicken hanging around the fridge.
  12. Maybe connected cars are just a bad idea: https://www.pcworld.com/article/2471499/hackers-remotely-unlocked-kia-cars-with-just-a-license-plate-scan.html
  13. oh a penalty against the texans. how weird.
  14. no jb, that's not what nonplussed means.
  15. Not really cooking more like controlled rotting:
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