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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. 6'8" 320 lbs is a massive individual
  2. Getting dusty in here
  3. so if i upgraded netflix to no ads am i still seeing ads? is there still an ad break but it's vignettes from the history of the wwe?
  4. (video won't embed for reasons) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0-pHnykC9s
  5. no and they use the nice avocados to make the guac in store so damn near every avocado in the bin is as hard as a rock.
  6. Not specifically Ukraine but drone warfare generally: they also developed a cheap hook to use for hanging the drone from anything handy: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2025/01/06/hellhives-how-a-shipping-box-and-a-hook-could-transform-drone-warfare/
  7. 3.5 lbs chili grind, 3 or 4 lbs cubed smoked brisket, a bunch of peppers made into paste, powders bloomed in beef fat, bunch of onions + ones floating around the fridge, some serranos and jalapenos floated, cooked for 5ish hours (brisket for 2), served with jalapeno cheese cornbread (not shown: pico cuz I haven't made it yet) Mise en place in place Before braising: After braising: Served:
  8. this has been the plan since 1984
  9. "first time we've ever had two 14-2 teams playing" well yeah we've only had 17 games for like 2 seasons.
  10. chicken fajita taco was on the menu within the last decade. not sure when it went off. always preferred the unofficial one which was just a chopped up grilled chicken on a tortilla with onions, jalapenos, and some picante packets. bell peppers can get fucked.
  11. every part of my back hurts just watching that
  12. now that was targetting he's already that low there's no need to tackle him, you just have to touch him down so he's down by contact.
  13. what is efficiency in this context?
  14. That's a thousand yards on the season for Nico Collins even though he was out five games.
  15. man proposes starving his neighbor's ox while fattening up his own.
  16. you haven't shown any payments or influence, and neither has comer, the republican congress, or anyone else despite investigating for 8+ years. why should i be outraged about your fantasies? and, again, we know you don't give a shit about influence payments to failsons, and i'm not going to bother pretending that you do.
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