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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. I decided to drink while we were down
  2. Got a sandwich, large red beans, 6 ghost pepper wings, and a drink for $12. Enough for 2 meals. Will do that again if power ever comes back.
  3. Power flickered a couple times about 40 minutes ago but dead since.
  4. "first responder" is just a way for cops to glom off the goodwill people have for firefighters Talk amongst yourselves
  5. Common clay driving a jacked up F350 almost killed someone in an Elantra because he had not a single bit of curiosity as to why people were stopped in the left 3 lanes of a 4 lane street.
  6. Attn morons: intersections with dead traffic lights are all way stops, and work on a clockwise basis. When you get to the front of the line, look to your right. Those people get to go first.
  7. Lake Waugh makes its triumphant return. How many cars has it consumed and is HEB open?
  8. Turned those off in the control panels earlier. Forgot to mention HEB Buffalo Heights has a power truck (HEB branded, of course)
  9. til a rocket once reached space from matagorda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matagorda_Peninsula_Army_Airfield
  10. may have landfall at the mouth of the colorado
  11. he's not the new joffrey because he's impulsive and cruel for no reason, he's the new joffrey because he's "Someone you can’t stand but never dies while all the characters that you like slowly get offed"
  12. because europe has better rules around airlines losing your luggage than the US does, you should change planes in europe instead of the US, if possible.
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