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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. KY recovers but let's see the flag
  2. minny barely offside on an onside kick recovery, penalty rekick and meat chicken recovers, 1:36 running minny has 1 TO.
  3. not a catch ball spins when he hits the ground
  4. ole miss running the cramp defense
  5. Kentucky with a long pass and a long run ~65 yards down inside the 20
  6. Forgive me for being the what Trump meant guy, but I'm pretty certain the two to tango comment was that if Zelensky wants a good relationship with Trump he needs to do nice things for Trump, like announce bullshit investigations.
  7. honestly i think the only thing that could really sink her at this point is the jobs report going negative. still have two of those to go.
  8. someone was watching storm idiots on youtube instead of driving and drove off a bridge
  9. this, unfortunately, is not the frito burrito, tho the add on fiesta strips make it kinda close.
  10. Never forget: (This was between innings during a game and there was no one else there)
  11. U-2 flyover is pretty epic. whoever gets the last bridge beer and bacon dog don't forget to turn off the lights
  12. the final game at the coliseum being blacked out because the rangers are playing when i'm sitting in houston is some real shit.
  13. now a 120mph major hurricane https://theeyewall.com/
  14. Take your sombrero and sit the fuck down
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