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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 2 hours ago, Underdog said:

    Yeah… that wasn’t chicken. 

    It was Singapore, not Chengdu. They probably beat you to death with sticks if you sell mislabeled meat. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Cool story. I’ll bet that’s not what KFC is using. 

    it probably is but it doesn't have to be "because mass production" is the point.

  3. 47 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Thigh meat off the bone isn’t uniform and I don’t think it’s conducive to making “filets.” Plus it’s pretty fatty and it’s tougher to trim fat off thigh meat than breast meat. For mass production I’m assuming it has to be breast meat at best, processed patties more likely. I’m just guessing but I’m pretty cynical about the processed food invasion and kudos to KFC if these aren’t just breaded processed chicken patties. 

    best fast food fried chicken sandwich i had until popeyes was the chicken chop from mcdonalds in singapore.  it was a whole boneless thigh. 

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Sam Lin said:

    I have some oil and air filters left over. You plan on keeping it long? (I miss mine, such a fun car.)

    it's got a list of maintenance and repair issues to address.  could easily spend $2,000 or more fixing some things.  but every month i drive it i'm saving $700 in payments and insurance easily.  with $0 in depreciation.  and car shopping is a giant pain in the ass.  and fuck current interest rates.  might keep it even if buy something else, it's too cheap to run to get rid of. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. 22 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    Yes, changing your mind when presented with new information is a horrible precedent to set for the GOP

    i really think part of it is that the bible is seen as unchanging, so change is seen as weakness. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    Not directly.  Probably a safe assumption the “billionaire” tax for 100 million spreads.

    You are aware of the “temporary” nature of the original Federal Income Tax, correct?

    the republican party's primary goal for the last century has been to shove the burden of income taxation down the income/wealth curve to get a sufficient number of poors on board with killing it.  nevermind that they'd absolutely be worse off under any other system capable of remotely funding the government necessary for any post-agrarian economy. 

  7. 50 minutes ago, Soccer Dudes Dad said:

    Will be there for the next 18 days while my sons have soccer tryouts.  Since I am not allowed into the facilities with him, my days are open.  Besides the local sites, I'd like to travel around during the day.  I'll have a car...  Looking for day trip recommendations.  I am very fond of mountain scenery...  Surly help and advice is greatly appreciated.

    Train out to Ávila





    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Drool 1
  8. On 2/26/2024 at 3:53 PM, Pokoloco said:

    😅  I love how twisted she gets you queefs.  84 pages! 

    I've never really been in the CR.  It's basically a one sided echo chamber?  I had no idea.


    It really has this energy in here.  Hilarious!!  Keep up the good work.




    • Hook 'Em 6
  9. AI powered menu board that recognizes the weather outside, the time of day, and reads your license plate so it knows you really want a frosty at 3 pm when it's 100° in july february, and plays an animation asking if you've ever dipped fries into your frosty and sells you on a combo when you pull up?  not a terrible use of compute resources. 


    this bullshit?  no.

  10. On 2/23/2024 at 4:21 PM, shadow_operative said:


    cop fucks this guy up, talks a bunch of shit to him, tell his he’s stupid, tells him he’s going to jail, then lets him go when he finds out he’s a veteran. so:

    1)he pulled his gun on the guy on the motorcycle, indicating that this guy is a pretty serious threat

    2)then saw the homeowner standing on his own porch, and decided to holster his weapon to go confront/attack him (so motorcycle wasn’t any sort of threat after all?)

    3)then roughs up the innocent man for filming from his own porch, gives him a concussion, breaks the skin on the guy’s wrists from clicking the cuffs so violently, but then just lets him go once he finds out that he’s a marine corp vet

    this fucking lunatic is all over the place. sadly typical of american police.

    Trust the police, trust the police, trust em!

    these assholes are trained in "IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!"

    • Haha 1
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