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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 13 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    Not fake news, I'm just suspicious of modern polling.  Polling has long been a land line thing.  I'm just wondering how they are collecting the data.

    text poll invites are a thing.  got one the other day for the harris county democratic primary. 

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  2. On 2/7/2024 at 7:34 PM, 956 Worldwide said:

    I’ve driven in Central and South Asia and I can say that you cannot be reasonably safe there. 

    In Uzbekistan many drivers turn off their headlights and night because they believe it saves gas and also a lot of cars have shade-tree conversions to natural gas and they are extremely explodey. 

    Balkans was mostly fine except Kosovo. Rest of Europe OK. 


  3. Meanwhile, China Joe really helping out his puppet masters in the Chinese Communist Party


    The U.S. imported a total of $427.2 billion from China last year, a roughly 20% decrease from the year before, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis



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  4. 4 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    I mean…wouldn’t there need to be spurious reasons listed in constitution to use as disqualification criteria?

    As if having something not listed as a disqualification criteria would stop bad faith actors. I guarantee there’s tweets being fired off right now that releasing funds to Iran is insurrection.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    He'll remain on the ballot in every state that could possibly go red.  That's the funny thing -- in terms of "deciding the election," this is all a phony war.  It may affect the total national popular vote, but it won't affect the only thing that matters -- the EC vote totals -- at all.  Hell, if Trump is off the ballot in 10 blue states, then he'll really get his ass kicked in national popular vote numbers, but he could still be elected POTUS because he wins the necessary swing states in addition to his red state base.

    “We could end up with just a few or even one state deciding the presidency”


    and that’s different from what we have how?

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  6. Gorsuch (I think): the constitution is full of holes and how do we even deal with that?

    Alito: judging is hard I’d rather just be an ideologue.

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  7. 44 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    This is 100% what Boeing should have done with the 737 twenty years ago.  You can argue about whether the 787 was really the right move, given the 777 emerging dominance in global long haul, but regardless, trying to glue a modern hi bypass turbofan onto a 50 year old design was such a Jack Welch/McDonnell Douglas quick cash grab style move.  

    the 787 is 767 size.  doesn't quite fit the same market segment, but as you said, you can argue.  i guess the other option would have been a 767neo (and maybe a 757neo, though that plane is too heavy for how many passengers it carries).  but the 787 is a very good product.  at the same time airbus was busy with the boondoggle that is the A380.  boeing's problem isn't that chose a pretty good option from several that it had, it's that it then didn't choose to do another good option (lengthen the gear on the 737 to accommodate bigger engines in the proper place on the 737 - really, what was SWA gonna do, start getting 320s 10 years later?).  compare that airbus, after the A380 flop, tried to sell a warmed over A330, got pushed back, and so designed the A350 (which is a fantastic product), and on top of that also warmed over the A330. 

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  8. not moving the "looks like we've got another fake hate crime" thread opened the door to politics in DT.  half of that thread was grievancing about hate crime as a policy.  it's in the title of the thread for fuck's sake.  it's now the roadmap for discussing politics outside of where it belongs. 

  9. Daily #724



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