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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. i have no idea how anyone can do anything on a 1080p(easant) screen.  i got fed up with that bullshit at the office (2x 1080p) and bought a 32" 4k LG with a built in USB-C hub with 60W PD.  one cable from the screen to the laptop in a scissor stand sitting next to it is the goddamn future.  leave a chrome window with teams, outlook, and the firm management software in tabs on the laptop, and then get actual work done on the LG. 



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  2. On 1/24/2024 at 2:33 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Here's a question -- if Boeing ends up genuinely on the ropes (and it damned well may, with the twin hits to its reputation and marketability coming so close together, showing systemic problems)....what does the US government do?  Do we allow our ONLY domestic commercial aircraft manufacturer go belly-up?  Shit, we get a crapload of DOD products (F-18, F-15, Apache, the KC line, etc.) from Boeing.  I suspect it firmly falls in the "too big/important to fail" bucket....but it may end up completely restructured, and I can damned well see shareholders taking a brutal bath.

    If I had Boeing stock, I'd sell now, even at a loss....because the losses sure look like they'll get a good bit worse.  Boeing is a shit company right now.

    the 737 is the biggest product in the entire US economy, at about 1% of GDP by itself. so there's no way the government lets it fail.  at worst you'd see a very structured bankruptcy like GM went through. 

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  3. 22 minutes ago, slorch said:

    That's not the point.  It is the lateral traffic behind me, self-important guy.

    Still guessing the 4" gap was a hint to move the fuck up in the line.

    There's no lateral traffic. It's a 100' long corral at the front of Marshalls or Maxx or whatever hellscape I was in and we were just about to the end of it. I moved up and that asshole immediately moved his cart right up on me. 

    So, pretty please with sugar on top, Fuck. Off.

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  4. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    Move your ass up then, so I can get out of people's way.  Lollygaggers on their phones, or visiting with Kevin from down the street need to STFU and move their ass.

    Full disclosure:  going through a traditional line is last resort for me anyhoo.  I MUCH prefer self check-out, and yes, I am faster/ more efficient with the bagging and payment.

    it was a corral line with no self checkout and i was honoring the personal space of the people in front of me.  fuck you.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. On 2/2/2024 at 8:07 AM, closetohumping said:

    I’m not sure you all will agree with this:


    1 guy trying to make a turn from the wrong lane, impeding traffic.  Sorry dude it was your fuck up not mine.  
    2 related to #1.  Intentionally going in the wrong lane only to cut in to the lane you need to be in.  

    or the guy who decides to u-turn under a freeway not by going through the actual u-turn lane, but by going through the traffic lights.  which aren't set up for that, so he has to stop at the red underneath the freeway.  but not in the left-only lane. no, this dumbass decides to sit in the left/straight lane, staring at a green for straight traffic.  dick.





    On 2/1/2024 at 8:06 AM, statsman said:

    Language misuse. 
    I can’t tell you how many times there has been a story of a horrible massacre or slaughter, and comments on this very site will say, “…and they DECIMATED the village…”

    No. “Decimate” has a specific meaning- 10% of the populace were killed (word came from a Roman practice). If more than 10% were killed, “decimate” doesn’t work. Jewish populations in Poland were not decimated; it was much worse. 
    Then, there is the use of SAGA to basically mean “epic story”. No, a “saga” is an epic story that has an oral tradition. It’s a narrative, meaning, a narrator is a key component. 

    tragic to describe anything bad happening.  'he died tragically'  did he kill himself because he realized he killed his father and sexed his mother?  no, it was just a run of the mill car wreck.  that's not tragic. 

    • Rage+1 1
  6. 11 hours ago, wood said:

    I wish Creventic still came to COTA. Are they gonna take a break for sleep and then restart in the a.m. like they did here, or are they gonna go continuously through the night?

    this is a recording.  i think they went through the night.  usually the dubai 24h is 2 weeks before daytona but they had to move it to the same weekend (thanks houthis).  so some big name drivers that would have been there weren't. 


    still, not a bad thing to watch on one of the deadest sports weekends of the year.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Steamboat1874 said:

    Their quiches are very good as well as those pre-made meals in the same area.spacer.pngspacer.png

    i pick up the 2 pack stuffed salmon and bring my own vegetable (salet) quite often.  have a stack of those little aluminum trays now.  they used to have a stuffed chicken breast with asparagus, havarti, and prosciutto which was delicious, but that's been gone a while. 



    can't seem to find zatarain's mustard anywhere right now.  neither heb nor kroger have shelf space and whole foods has a void where it should be. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, wood said:

    Oof. That's no joke. She ok?

    øh she was fine but Svenge, her brother in law, an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo dentist", "Fillings of Passion", and "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink", fainted right away

    • Haha 2
  9. 51 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:


    You have a recipe?  SIAP but the recipes I find online are all over the place as far as types of meat etc (other than sausage).

    it's really a no recipe dish.  this one was beef because i didn't want to break down an pork shoulder and freeze half of it and beef pot roast was about half the price of boneless pork country ribs.


    brown 1 ring pork and venison sausage and approx 2.5# stewing meat in bacon fat.  once done start cooking down either 1 really large (HEB) or 2 more normal sized onions, a small head of cabbage or half a large one, and some chopped/shredded carrots.  add a can of tomato paste and then deglaze with red wine.  add a 32 oz jar or two 14 oz cans of sauerkraut (with juice for some sourness) along with reconstituted mushrooms (and some mushroom liquid), a 28 oz can of peeled tomatoes (mash them up a bit), about a cup of chopped prunes, caraway seeds, marjoram, bay leaves, pepper and a few tablespoons of chicken base.  there is probably plenty of liquid at that point, but if not add more wine or water or mushroom liquid. 

    usually i use the pressure cooker on whatever timer i find for pork shoulder, check for doneness and seasoning and put back under pressure if need be or simmer for desired consistency. 

    one recipe suggested apples which i hadn't done before.  don't really think they added much.  also used juniper berries which are not entirely pleasant to eat, though maybe i could have smashed them better.  potatoes are optional in the cook.


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