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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 9 minutes ago, Dnaguy said:

    Doing the hits:

    Drill baby drill

    Close the border

    Stop the invasion

    Coming from mental institutions 

    They’re terrorists



    things that iowans should really care about:


    Iowa is not a crude oil-producing state and does not have any proved oil reserves.53,54 Of more than 100 exploratory wells drilled in the state, only a handful ever produced oil. Those wells no longer produce, and their combined production was less than 500 barrels of crude oil.


  2. 5 minutes ago, NAVY said:

    Chiefs hold mucho pince tiempo and then go nuts when holding isn’t called in their favor 

    94 on the D line was getting held bad but the call is on the D in the backfield.  should have been offsetting at best.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. announcers talking about NFL playoff "seeds."  the NFL playoffs are not seeded.  the NFL playoffs are determined by record and a few tie breakers that largely involve record.  there is no seeding process.  seeding is when a committee sits around and picks who plays who based on eye tests and formulas because there's not enough matches or games between the contenders to use something like records, head to head, net points scored, etc.  it's used for tennis tournaments and the NCAA tournament. 

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