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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. 4 hours ago, Captainant said:

    """Financial constraints""" normally means some pissant financial analyst set a sales goal that was not realistic, but the can-do MBA middle manager doesn't know shit about fuck so they run their part of the company as if missing that synthetic target would harm the business - and do massive damage to long term stability in the process. 

    It's how you end up with Boeing selling off and outsourcing their manufacturing and QA and every other meaningful part of their business. They all get framed as cost centers, rather than investments for long term business stability. 

    It all reeks of brainless following of whatever the consultant of the week said last time they stopped by. It's great for meeting next quarters targets, but it'll fall apart after enough time. Just ask Jack Welch how that goes - one of his MBA prodigies is fucking over Boeing as it's CEO right now.

    It's always the same fuckers running the same playbook. And it always fucking end the same way with enshittification 

    it's the same thinking that leads some little consumer geekeroid to change from a 16 oz roll of sausage to a 12 oz roll of sausage.


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  2. On 1/6/2024 at 10:07 PM, Butch Had Not said:

    Not sure if anyone makes it here but I'm a big fan of bigos. Probably because I'm Polish. 


    i've made it, pretty sure i've posted pics around here somewhere but i can't find the posts with the googles.  good weather for it. 

    edit: found one of my old pics


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  3. 19 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Tamales in a can? What the fuck? 

    Don’t look unless you want your eyes to burn 

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    didn't someone around here get a can (on a dare or after losing a bet) and not take the paper wrapper off them before eating?

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