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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Maybe better for another thread but not sure we have one and I'm too lazy to keep looking: Getting a Retroid Pocket 5 as my first emulation handheld. What the fuck do I do now (or in a month when it finally arrives)?
  2. Michelin Total Performance - good down to the wear bars
  3. Must allow illegal maps to stand because February is too close to an election but a state can dump voters off the rolls less than 90 days before an election (in violation of federal law) because reasons https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-allows-virginia-purge-noncitizens-voter-rolls-ahead-elec-rcna177673
  4. the faux leather placemat makes the still life
  5. I assume this is about jacking it in San Francisco
  6. "Broasted" is the name. I assume autocorrect got it when texzilla typed it earlier. "Broasted" is trademarked by the company that makes those particular fryers (which KFC doesn't use, they have their own which do the same thing). It's basically a way to make the chicken fry faster. I guess the pressure allows the water in the chicken to stay in it until a higher temp is reached, thus cooking it faster, and not driving as much water out in the process. I don't know that I'd want to do that inside at home. Vat of oil which might explode and will probably release atomized oil whenever pressure is reached, right on a heat source. Cue videos of turkey fryers.
  7. where'd they find every math quiz i did in 3rd grade?
  8. i have been making salmorejo later than i usually do
  9. chicken fried new york strip:
  10. still sitting 10° above average highs here (tonight's overnight low forecast to be 17° higher than average!)
  11. My cousin is a bears fan. My texts:
  12. The officer gave the command to submerge, but uboats of that period didn't have snorkels so wouldn't have been underwater and underway that long. Still, holding onto a periscope for hours at 8 knots would have been difficult. Then he'd have to be up top with no one noticing for hours while it cruised at the surface 500+ miles from the central med to the cyclades.
  13. Didn't think there should have been a second on the clock but a strip sack and fumble recovery probably got a couple guys a few extra $$ in their paychecks this week
  14. False start not called
  15. Exactly what they needed
  16. (and when the fuck has the progressive left been in charge of anything? lol)
  17. indiana is the best team in the b1g and i'm here for it
  18. "these idiots" is us, right?
  19. "if you didn't know if quinn ewers was your starter and your guy moving forward you do now" does that mean arch is the starter and guy moving forward?
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